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By Pastor Glenn Pease














The editor of a newspaper was interviewing a man who

applied for the job of being a rewrite man. "Are you good at

condensing"? the editor asked. "Sure", was the snap reply.

"All right then, take this and cut it short", he said , as he

handed him a copy of the ten commandments. The applicant

was momentarily startled, but then he took his pencil, wrote

briefly, and handed it back. The editor looked at it and said,

"Your hired!" He had written one word--don't.

This story illustrates the popular misconception about the

ten commandments. They are seen as negative, and can be

summed up in the philosophy that says thou shalt not enjoy

life. Whatever you like, don't do it. Now it is true that 8 of

the 10 are negative, but as we shall see, this is for a very

practical reason. Jesus summed them up, not with a don't,

but with a twofold positive do. Do love God with all your

heart, and do love your neighbor as yourself. The first four

commandments deal with loving God, and the last six deal

with loving our neighbor.

But if these most famous laws in the world can be stated

positively, why were they given in a negative form

originally? Those who do not care to look for an answer just

dismiss them as being irrelevant for a positive thinking

world. They claim the negative nature of them leads to

excessive negativism. This is illustrated by the mother who

said "Go see what Johnny is doing and tell him to stop."

One little boy under this kind of atmosphere thought his

name was Johnny don't. There have been many Christians

who have measured their piety by the number of things they

don't do. The Pharisees were experts at this sort of thing

also, and they were able to compile a list of several thousand

things they did not do. It was a negative religion.

Too many negatives lead to a life of emptiness. The

absence of evil is a good thing, but when good is also absent,

one is not living a life pleasing to God. Jesus told of the man

who had all of the demons that possessed him driven out,

and all was swept clean. All the evil was gone, but no positive

good filled the vacuum, and the result was the evil returned

in greater power than it had before. Those who try to live on

negatives often take great falls into sin, for negatives are just

not a good foundation. The negative is only of value when it

is a means to a positive end.

A missionary in Africa was trying to explain the Ten

Commandments to an old native chief. "You tell me I'm not

to take my neighbors wife?" "That's right" said the

missionary. "Or his ivory or his oxen?" "Quite right!"

"And I must not ambush him on the trail and kill him?"

"Absolutely right" said the missionary. "But I cannot do

any of these things," said the savage, "I am too old. To be

old and to be Christian are the same thing." This illustrates

how weak a mere negative religion and morality would be.

Righteousness would be equivalent to inability. If negative

become ends in themselves, then one becomes more and

more Christian the less he is able to live, and death would

bring perfection. This is, of course, nonsense. Negatives

cannot be ends in themselves, but must be means to a

positive goal.

We fail when we lose the positive, for it is the positive that

gives authority to the negative commands. People demand

to see the positive value in having their freedom limited by

prohibitions. If you say don't, they want to know why, and

the why had better be positive if you expect people to respect

the authority of the negative. Robert Kahn, a Jewish Rabbi,

points out that the Declaration of Independence has this

great positive statement-"All men are created equal and are

endowed by their Creator with rights to life, liberty, and the

pursuit of happiness." Then, in order to preserve these

positive values, a Bill of Rights was a appended to the

Constitution. When you read them you notice they are of a

negative character. The gist of each is-

Congress shall make no law

The right of the people to bear arms shall not be infringed

No soldier shall be quartered

the right--to be secure shall not be violated

No person shall be held to answer.

No fact tried by a jury shall be otherwise re-examined

Excessive bail shall not be required

The enumeration of certain rights shall not be Construed

These are the eight negatives of the ten amendments called

the Bill of Rights. They are negative commandments for the

preservation of positive rights. We see from this, that when

negatives are the means to positive ends, they do not destroy

our freedom, but become foundations for freedom. Without

these negatives to protect us we would be far less free as


Now if we go back to the Ten Commandments, we see the

same principle involved. It is almost as if the Constitution

and Bill of Rights were patterned after the 20th chapter of

Exodus. In Exodus 20:2, we see the positive statement of

God, which gives authority to His Commandments, and

which is the basis for their existence. "I am the Lord your

God who brought you out of the land of Egypt, out of the

house of bondage." God did not impose this list of laws

upon a people to suppress them and their liberty. They were

the gift of a wise God to a people He had set free, and who

He wanted to remain free.

John Locke said of the law, "The end of the law is not to

abolish or restrain, but to preserve and enlarge freedom."

This was certainly God's intention in giving the Ten

Commandments. If oppression and suppression was His

motive, He could have done no better than to have left them

in their bondage in Egypt. The whole atmosphere

surrounding the Ten Commandments is one of positive

liberty. Liberty so new and fresh and complete that it could

only lead to chaos and disaster without the limitations of

law. All of the negatives are like the Bill of Rights negatives.

They are to preserve the great liberty which God had given


By forbidding murder, for example, all are free to live.

By forbidding stealing all are free to possess property

without fear. Each negative is for the protection of a

positive value. Freedom is dependant upon the limiting and

the guiding of man by law. Total freedom is a paradox, for

it leads to total bondage. Total freedom is when every man

does what is right in his own eyes, and has no responsibility

for the rights of others. It is absolute individualism, which is


During the French Revolution they took the not out of the

Ten Commandments, and they put it into the creed. They

had, thou shalt kill, steal, commit adultery, lie; and I do not

believe in God the Father Almighty. The results of this

misplaced not was one of the worst periods of history. The

anarchy and blood bath, that came because of the absence of

this not, was a classic example of the positive value of

negative limitations. Remove the negative and you destroy

the power of the positive. This is true in many realms of life.

If you take the negative cable off your battery the positive

cable will not start your car. The two must work together to

achieve a positive goal. That is why negative laws are also

needed to achieve positive goals in human society.

When the Ten Commandments are seen in the proper

perspective they become foundations for freedom, and not

hindrances to freedom. They hinder and restrain only that

perverted freedom which leads to bondage. If there is a

world where all goes well without respect for life, property,

and purity, it has not yet been discovered, and until some

space traveler charts it on the map of the universe, the Ten

Commandments will be relevant and essential to the good

life and best society.

Cecil B. DeMille, in preparing the script for his well

known production of the Ten Commandments, caught

something of the meaning of God's eternal Word when he

said, "Our modern world defines God as a "religious

complex" and laughed at the Ten Commandments as old

fashioned. Then, though the laughter, came the shattering

thunder of great world wars, each more terrible than the last

and a blood-drenched world, no longer laughing, cries for a

way out. There is only one way out. It existed before it was

Engraved upon the tables of stone. It will exist when

stone has crumbled. The Ten Commandments are not rules

to obey as a personal favor to God. They are the

fundamental principles without which mankind cannot live

together. Armies are mighty, atom bombs are mighty.

Ideologies born of blind pride and passion are mighty. But

the truth of God is mightier than all, and it shall prevail."

Remove the laws that limit the earth to its orbit around

the sun, and you gain a liberty which would hurl it into

extinction. We are only free to live and breathe as we do,

because of the limitations of law. So it is with the Ten

Commandments. The New Testament does not repeal them,

but rather, lifts them to an even higher level by summing

them all up in love. Paul in Gal. 5:13-15, gives us a perfect

example of the necessity of the law being fulfilled in love.

"You, my brothers, were called to be free. But do not use

your freedom to indulge the sinful nature; rather, serve one

another in love. The entire law is summed up in a single

command: "Love your neighbor as yourself." If you keep

on biting and devouring each other, watch out or you will be

destroyed by each other." This shows us that the Ten

Commandments are as essential for the survival of the

Christian Church as they were for the survival of Israel. The

only difference is, the New Israel stresses the positive aspect

of love in the fulfilling of them.

When they were given to Israel, they were given to a very

immature and undisciplined people. They had been slaves

for hundreds of years, and were not an advanced and highly

civilized people. Negatives are necessary on this level of

development. We see this in raising children. When they

are young and immature, and do not understand ideals and

positive values, you are limited to saying "no, no" to guide

them. The positive replaces the negative only as they

become mature. This is the pattern we see in God's dealing

with men. The Old Testament has a focus on the "no, no",

but the New Testament focus is on the "yes, yes." The more

mature people become in their relationship to God the more

valuable and precious the commandments become. An

unknown poet put it-

"The truth that yesterday was mine is larger truth today;

It's face has aspects more divine, it's kinship fuller sway

For truth must grow as ages roll, and God looms large upon

the soul."

When we see the Ten Commandments from the true

Biblical perspective, we see them as gifts of grace. They

came from God who first delivered Israel, and then gave the

law to preserve that liberty He gave them. The origin of the

law is God's love. The goal of it is that we might love Him

who first loved us, and our neighbor whom He also loved.

As given to Israel, however, they were exclusive and not

universal, for God had delivered and redeemed only Israel.

The Ten Commandments as given in Exodus were only for

Israel, but since the coming of Christ they are universal, and

all men are obligated by them, especially those who believe.

Jesus died for the sins of all men. He became the universal

Savior, and now all men can be led out of bondage to sin and

Satan by faith in Him. This becomes the New Testament

basis for obedience to the Ten Commandments. All who

have been delivered are obligated to express their gratitude

by obeying the laws of their Deliverer.

Laws become the foundation for freedom. Obedience to

God's laws is our expression of love to Him who first loved

us and set us free. Love and law are partners in the

Christian life, and they work together for the good of man.

As we study the Ten Commandments, we must be aware

that we not just studying what was relevant to ancient Israel,

but what is relevant to our daily life. What is old is not

obsolete just by being old. The laws of nature are very old,

but I never heard of a movement to stop keeping them. I

never heard any parents say, "my folks always told me not to

touch a hot stove, but that is old fashioned. I let my kids

touch the hot stove, and don't push any of that old stuff on

them." The reason some things are old is because they are

essential for all generations. The law of gravity is as old as

time, but just as fresh and new and vital to life as it was on

the first day of time. The Ten Commandments are old, but

they will never be outdated. Break them today, and it is just

as foolish as trying to break the law of gravity today. D. L.

Moody said, "The commandments of God given to Moses in

the mount at Horeb are as binding today as ever they have

been since the time when they were proclaimed in the

hearing of the people."

We are saved by faith alone in Jesus Christ, but saved

people must still obey the laws of nature and the laws of

God. Law does not save, but there is no way to live a life

pleasing to God, and one that leads to happiness, apart from

obedience to law. The very angels of God, who never sinned,

live in obedience to God's law. In Psalm 103:20 we read,

"Bless the Lord ye His angels that excel in strength, that do

His commandments, harkening unto the voice of His Word."

The Christian sees the Old Testament law as a means of

fulfilling the New Testament law of Christ, which is the law

of love. It is not a way of being saved, but a way by which

we express our love to God for being saved by grace. Our

freedom in Christ, limited by our obedience to the Ten

Commandments, will lead us to live a life worthy of our

Lord. The greatest freedom in life is the freedom to please

God. Thus, in studying the Ten Commandments, we are

studying the Foundations For Freedom.


An angry group of citizens shouted at their small town

mayor-"Every city car that passes through here breaks the

law by breaking the speed limit. You've got to do something

about it, and do it fast." "Don't you worry," said the mayor

with confidence. "I'll raise the speed limit to 150. Let's see

them beat that!"

This mayor had an easy solution, which would effectively

element lawlessness. All you have to do is change the law, or

redefine lawlessness. You can just change the definition of

lawlessness and get rid of it. This is a process that goes on all

the time in our culture. What was once a bad thing is no

longer a bad thing because it has been defined as no longer

bad, but acceptable. Relativity is real, but when it enters into

the realm of morality it becomes very dangerous. Men use it

to change what is evil in God's eyes into what is acceptable

to men. Or, on the other hand, they change what was once a

virtue into a vice. For example, the young girl who brought

her Bible to school was sent home, as if it were a crime.

It is no wonder that there is confusion about the law, for

it is no longer stable as it once was. It is full of loopholes, so

that not all are treated equal, and it can be changed any day,

so that what was wrong yesterday can be right tomorrow.

The average American is skeptical about the law, for he

knows it is often just an arbitrary will of the majority

imposed on the minority. Much of the lawlessness of our day

is due to the laws protection of injustice. The law can protect

and defend evil as well as good. It can be an instrument of

oppression and slavery, as well as a force for freedom. Every

dictator and tyrant controls his people through law. Abuse

of the law is as common as its legitimate use.

Even in the church the law of God was abused. The

Puritans in Salem, for example, were determined to legislate

the Kingdom of God into reality, and they were going to

make the New Jerusalem on earth. These were some of the

Sabbath laws they madeNo

one shall run on the Sabbath or walk in his garden.

No one shall make beds, cut hair, or shave.

No woman shall kiss her child on the Sabbath.

No food or lodging shall be given to any Quaker or other


And they were not just kidding either. Disobedience was not

tolerated, but met with heavy penalties.

Roger Williams, one of the heroes of freedom, was a

minister in Salem. He objected to the use of law in regulating

matters of conscience. He said this is contrary to the doctrine

of Jesus Christ. This was an attack on their system of law,

and they pronounced the sentence of banishment on him, for

the audacity to question their law. He was able to escape and

by the help of friendly Indians get to what became known as

Rhode Island. It was there that Roger Williams established

the first place on earth with total religious liberty. He also

established the first Baptist church in America there.

He became a hero of freedom, and he is studied in all the

secular history books. Yet, he became this hero by being

lawless. He rebelled against the laws he felt were unjust both

in the church and the state. He started the long hard battle

to get the laws of the state and the church to leave men free

in the realm of their religious beliefs. You cannot make

believers by means of the law. This is a personal act of choice

and faith, and not a matter you can legislate. Many

Christians through the centuries have ended up in prison,

just like Peter in the New Testament, because they refused to

obey laws that interfered with their obedience to God. They

were seen as lawless, but in reality they were being loyal to

the highest law, the law of God.

Christians have recognized what observant men of all

ages have noticed, and that is, that law that is a respecter of

persons is an instrument of evil, whereas, law that treats all

men equally is an instrument for justice. Benjamin Franklin

said, "Laws like to cobwebs, catch small flies, Great ones

break them before your eyes." An 18th century saying of

similar thought goes like this-

"The law doth punish man or woman

That steals the goose from off the common,

But let's the greater felon loose

That steals the common from the goose."

In other words, there is a duel standard in which the weak

and poor must suffer the full penalty of the law, but the rich

and powerful can escape it and even become heroes in doing

so. Pope said, "All look up with reverential awe, At crimes

that 'scape, or triumph o'er the law."

The Christian must respond when asked about his view of

the law, that it is a realm where every situation must be

evaluated by itself. If the law is just and consistent with the

absolute law of God's revelation, the Christian is bound to

defend it. If the law is unjust and is itself a violation of the

law of God, the Christian is equally bound to be lawless, and

defy that law for the sake of freedom and loyalty to God.

The heroes of freedom in church and state have been those

who defied unjust laws.

All of this means that there is nothing more relevant to

our day than a depth knowledge of God's law. It becomes

the absolute guide and standard by which the Christian

must decide where to stand to be a true defender of freedom.

We dare not decide on the basis of the world's standard, for

it is completely relative to the values of the world. The

Christian is not lawful or lawless by his relationship to any

of man's standards, but by his relationship to God's

standards, which are summarized in the Ten

Commandments. You might be thought of as a perfectly law

abiding American citizen, and yet be a lawless rebel in

relationship to the law of God. You may never murder or

steal, but be filled with hate and covetousness, which the law

of God forbids. On the other hand, you may end up in

prison because you do not obey the law of the land that

demands prejudice and hate.

Lawful and lawless are terms that must be seen in

relationship to the revealed Word of God to have any

significance for the Christian. The Church has always

recognized this and that is why Orthodoxy has never even

suggested that the New Testament has eliminated the Ten

Commandments. They are still vital guides for the Christian


Luther said, "He who destroys the doctrine of the law

destroys at the same time political and social order...."

Calvin wrote, "We must not imagine that the coming of

Christ has freed us from the authority of the law; for it is the

eternal rule of a devout and holy life, and must, therefore, be

as unchangeable as the justice of God." John Wesley wrote,

" The moral law, contained in the Ten Commandments and

enforced by the Prophets, he (Christ) did not take away. It

was not the design of his coming to revoke any part of

this...The moral law stands on an entirely different

foundation from the ceremonial and ritual law... Every part

of this law must remain in force upon all mankind, and in all


These convictions have been stated by the great Christian

leaders of this century as well. Spurgeon said, "First, the law

of God must be perpetual. There is no abrogation of it, nor

amendment of it. It is not to be toned down or adjusted to

our fallen condition; but every one of the Lord's righteous

judgements abideth forever." And D. L. Moody said, "Jesus

never condemned the law and the prophets, but He did

condemn those who did not obey them. Because He gave

new commandments it does not follow that He abolished the

old. Christ's explanation of them made them all the more


These quotes from outstanding representatives of the

Christian Church make it clear that Orthodoxy has always

considered the Ten Commandments to be an absolute

revelation perpetually binding as long as earth shall last.

Those who criticize them as being old and obsolete for our

day fail to see their depth and perpetual relevance to all

ages. They say the old morality is stagnant like a puddle that

has set until it stinks. In Christian Reflections, C. S. Lewis

refutes this fallacy in a way worthy of being quoted, even

though it is a lengthy paragraph.

"Space does not stink because it has preserved its three

dimensions from the beginning. The square on the

hypotenuse has not gone moldy by continuing to equal the

sum of the squares on the other two sides. Love in not

dishonored by constancy, and when we wash our hands we

are seeking stagnation and putting the clock back, artificially

restoring our hands to the status quo in which they began

the day and resisting the natural trend of events which

would increase their dirtiness steadily from our birth to our

death. For the emotive term 'stagnant' let us substitute the

descriptive term 'permanent.' Does a permanent moral

standard preclude progress? On the contrary, except on the

supposition of a change-less standard, progress is impossible.

If good is a fixed point, it is at least possible that we should

get nearer and nearer to it; but if the terminus is as mobile

as the train, how can the train progress toward it? Our

ideas of the good may change, but they cannot change either

for the better or the worst if there is no absolute and

immutable good to which they can approximate or from

which they can recede. We can go on getting a sum more

and more nearly right only if the one perfectly right answer

is 'stagnant'"

This is the Christian attitude toward the law of God. It is

permanent, absolute, and it is the standard by which we test

the validity of all other laws. If they are unjust and are a

hindrance to man's legitimate freedom the Christian is to

oppose them as Jesus did the laws of the Pharisees. Law is

good and vital to man's happiness and welfare, but law is

only absolute when it is God's law. The Ten

Commandments are God's law for all men in all ages.

If an atheist says the Sea of Galilee is North of the Dead

Sea, it is just as true as if a Christian says it. If a thing is

true it makes no difference who says it. If an evil man says

two plus two equals four, it is not less true because he is evil.

A godly man cannot make it more true, for it is an objective

truth evident to all.

The Ten Commandments in some form are seen all over

the world in every culture. You can find laws from ancient

Egypt to modern India, which are just different versions of

the Ten Commandments. They are the universal top ten, for

they deal with issues that are relevant to all men. Civilized

men the world over, though fallen and lovers of sin, know

that there are some things that need to be forbidden to make

life tolerable.

The Mohammedans consider them just as sacred as do

the Jews and Christians. There is nothing on which so many

of the people of the world agree. They are no less true and

valuable when quoted by a pagan. They cannot save man,

but the fact is they help control man and his evil nature. It

is obedience to these top ten that keeps the world going.

Every culture that rises above the barbaric does so because

people are regulated by these laws. Millions of pagans have

a life with some degree of meaning and peace because they

live in the midst of neighbors who do not kill, steal, or

violate their mates.

The problem is, it is only the second half of the ten that

man obeys. The first half deals with God and loyalty to

Him. Here man is weak and this leads to humanism.

Humanism is faith in man without faith in God. It is the

result of a split in the Ten Commandments. Man has

developed a split-level world where he has cut himself off

from the top of the top ten. Until he gets the two halves of

these ten united he will be divided in his inner being and be

a civil war. Humanism fails, not because it is not full of what

is true, but because it deals with only half of reality and

leaves the greatest half out of the picture, which is God.


EXODUS 20:1-3 And God spoke all these words: I am the

Lord your God, who brought you out of Egypt, out of the

land of slavery. You shall have no other gods before me.

In the book, The Doctor Of Crows Nest, and old doctor

Ferguson fell in love with the hands of young Barney Boyle.

"You must be a surgeon, Barney," he said. "You've got the

fingers and the nerves!" Barney was hesitant, but the

doctor pointed out all the advantages and the help he could

be to others. He concluded, "Ah, boy, God knows I'd give

my life to be a great surgeon. But He didn't give me the

fingers. I haven't the touch. But you have! You have the

nerve and the fingers and the mechanical ingenuity; you can

be a great surgeon. You shall have all my time and all my

books and all my money; I'll put you through! You must

think, dream, sleep, eat, drink bones and muscles and sinews

and nerves! Push everything else aside! He cried waving his

great hands excitedly. And remember!.... here his voice took

a solemn tone...let nothing share your heart with your


Here is an earthly example of the motivation behind the

first commandment. God had great ambitions for Israel. He

wanted a people who would be an instrument of His grace

and love to all the world. Though them He would bring into

the world the Great Physician, who alone would succeed as

an effective surgeon against sin. God had great plans, just

as the doctor did for young Barney, but both God and

doctor Ferguson had the same obstacle to overcome, and

that was the free will of man that can choose, not only less

than the best, but even the worst. Barney could choose to be

a bum and waste his gifts, and Israel could choose to go a

whoring after other gods and bring disgrace upon the name

of Jehovah. As a matter of fact, that is exactly what

happened, and it proves the point that free will is the basic

problem in the God-man relationship. Until the will is

submissive there is no way that man can be successful in

fulfilling the plan of God.

God must win our obedience to the first commandment

or the rest of them become meaningless. If we are not

absolutely loyal to Him and Him alone, we will not be

concerned about being loyal to His standard of morality. Dr.

Ferguson said "if you want to be a successful surgeon you

must let nothing share your heart with your knife." God is

saying in this first commandment, "if you want to be

successful in living a life pleasing to me, let nothing share

your heart with you love for me." In other words, make me

your first priority in all of life. All other loves, such as family,

friends, and neighbors must be subordinate to your love for

me. Love for God must be first and foremost, always.

Thoreau said, "Simplicity, simplicity, simplicity! I say,

let your affairs be as two or three, and not a hundred or a

thousand-simplify, simplify." God will not settle even for

two or three, however, but demands we simplify down to one

ultimate loyalty. This is what the first commandment is all

about. Let's look at the implication of this first


The first implication of this commandment is that God

has made man free to defy His sovereignty. God does not

impose the benefits of His acts of grace upon man without

their consent. By shear power God brought Israel out of

Egypt, but He did not by shear power compel them to

acknowledge Him as their God. For their good He

commands that they do so, but the very existence of the

command implies that they have the freedom to do

otherwise. Tbey demonstrated their freedom time and time

again by defying this first commandment. The whole history

of the sufferings of Israel is the history of their disobedience

to the first commandment. Yet, God did not by shear force

ever compel them to obey it as he compelled the water of the

Red Sea to separate. Taking Israel out of Egypt was simple

compared to the task of taking Egypt out of Israel. The first

was a matter of power, but the second called for the

cooperation of man's will.

God's sovereignty does not play the same role in the

moral and spiritual realm as it does in the physical. He does

not force men into submission. The poet wrote-

And He that looketh wide and high,

Nor pauses in His plan,

Will take the sun out of the sky,

Ere freedom out of man.

In the very giving of the law God respects man's freedom,

but He gives them the law as another act of sovereign grace,

knowing that if they use their freedom to choose His will

they will find what is best in life for themselves. Israel will

become degraded, like all the surrounding nations, if she

does not freely choose to obey the law of God. When the

Jews chose not to follow the law they entered into the

bondage of fear and foolish superstition. They became

idolatrous and immoral, and only after the wrath of God

sent them into captivity did they finally learn how to use

their freedom to choose loyalty to God.

Freedom, which is man's greatest asset, is also his greatest

problem, until he learns to yield it up to God. Obedience to

the first commandment is not forced on us, but for those who

are looking for a shortcut to Gods best this is the

commandment to obey. We are free to be fools, but God

gave us the history of His people's response to this

commandment to help us avoid the folly of trying to find

happiness apart from obedience to it.

God honored man as the only creature on earth that has

the ability to choose to obey or defy His commandments.

God in His sovereignty has determined that He will not force

you to do His will, but He will require you to pay the price of

choosing wrong. The chemist can do as he pleases with his

chemicals, but if he does not respect the laws of chemistry he

may suddenly find himself leaving his lab by the way of the

roof. We are equally free to defy the moral laws of God, but

we are not free to escape the judgement that will result from

our bad choice. All of life revolves around the choices that

we make. We are not responsible for the outcome, but we

are responsible for the choices we make. Bonaro

Overstreet's oft-quoted words speak to this issue.

You say the little efforts that I make

Will do no good: They never will prevail

To tip the hovering scale

Where justice hangs in the balance.

I I don't think

I ever thought they would.

But I am prejudiced beyond debate

In favor of my right to choose which side

Shall feel the stubborn ounces of my weight.

The first commandment is God's calling to man to choose

Him and His will as the first priority in their lives. This

choice is the key to their own happiness.

The second implication we want to consider is that this

first commandment implies that there are other gods. That

sounds shocking when you hear it for the first time, but it

becomes a commonplace piece of information as you read

the commentaries. This first commandment clearly forbids

other gods being worshipped, but it does not state that there

are no other gods to be worshipped. It only states that for

Israel there is to be only one God. He was the only God, but

the existence of other gods is not denied. If there were no

other gods, what would be the point of forbidding anyone to

worship them?

When we consider the polytheism all around Israel, we

know the many gods who were worshipped were not

objectively real, but they were very definitely subjectively

real. They captured the loyalties of men, and did so with

Israel as well. In other words, non-existent gods are still very

real and God has to compete with them for man's loyalty. If

the false gods of the pagans were not a real threat to Israel's

right relationship to God, He never would have bothered to

make their exclusion a part of the first commandment.

God is actually the author of a gods are dead movement.

He seeks to get them excluded from the consciousness of His

people so that they die from neglect. God is all for any

movement that kills off and eliminates some of the millions of

false gods men have created. It sounds strange, but as

monotheists, who believe in only one God, we must

constantly be on guard against all kinds of real non-existent

gods. What is all amounts to is that there is only one capital

God, but a multitude of small gods which run all the way

from figments of the imagination to objectively existent

fallen creatures such as Satan, the god of this world.

The problem of non-existent gods hit the early church

and though Paul knew they did not exist, he also recognized

that some Christians believed in them because of their

former lives of idolatry. For the sake of these Christians the

stronger Christians were not to eat meat offered to a

non-existent god, because the god was real to the weaker

Christian. In other words, it is possible for a Christian to

believe in the actual reality of other gods. Paul says in I Cor.

8:4-7, "So then, about eating food sacrificed to idols: We

know that an idol is nothing at all in the world and that

there is no God but one. For even if there are so-called gods,

whether in heaven or on earth (as indeed there are many

"gods" and many "lords"), yet for us there is but one God,

the Father, from whom all things came and for whom we

live; and there is but one Lord, Jesus Christ, through whom

all things came and through whom we live. But not

everyone knows this. Some people are still so accustomed to

idols that when they eat such food they think of it as having

been sacrificed to an idol, and since their conscience is weak,

it is defiled."

We see then, that both in the Old Testament and the New

Testament there is a process of education necessary to bring

men to the point of recognizing one, and only one, God. God

did not start by saying there are no other gods, but rather,

do not put other gods before me. If you are talking with

someone and they inquire about Allah and the gods of other

people, do not waste your time trying to disprove the

existence of these gods. Even as non-existent gods they have

great influence. Your primary task is to point them to the

God of revelation and urge them to put their trust in Him.

The issue is not whether there are other gods or not, but

whether or not they have surrendered to the God who has

provided their Savior in Jesus Christ.

The Bible does not try to prove God's existence, but urges

men to put their faith in Him and obey His revealed will.

Clovis Chappel says you could be out on the desert dying of

thirst and find evidence that water is somewhere nearby, but

the evidence will not save you without a drink of the actual

water. No one can live on proof of the existence of water.

They need to experience the life giving qualities of actual

water. So it is with God. Proofs of His existence are no

more satisfying than proofs of the existence of water. Men

must respond to God's revelation in faith to experience the

reality of God. Thomas Hardy sat in a church service and

felt so lonely because he had not responded in faith to the

God of the worshippers. He wroteHeart

of mine knows not that ease

Which they know, since it be

That he who breathes "all's well" to these

Breathes no "all's well" to me.

God breathes His all's well only to those, who out of a

multitude of gods, and possible ultimate values, will choose

to put Him first. Even though He is the only objectively

eternal God, yet men must choose Him above all the

influential non-existent gods to gain His salvation.

In Japan, those who respond to the gospel are often so

grateful for the knowledge of one God after having eight

hundred thousand to choose from. It gives unity to life, and

with one God to concentrate upon they can get to know

Him. This is one of God's major purposes in this first

commandment. God wants to be known, and the best way

for man to get to know Him is by concentration on Him

alone as ones ultimate relationship. We will focus on this in

the next chapter.


A salesman who was growing more and more nervous

about his travel by air went one day to see a statistician.

"Can you tell me what the odds would be against my

boarding an aircraft on which somebody had hidden a

bomb?" he asked. He replied, "I can't tell you until I've

analyzed the available data. Come back again in a week."

The next week the worried salesman returned and asked if

the answer was ready. "Yes," said the statistician, "the

odds are one million to one against you getting on an aircraft

with one bomb on it." "Those are good odds," said the

salesman, "but I'm not sure they are good enough for me. I

travel a good deal." "Well then, if you really want to be

safe, "The statistician counseled, "carry a bomb with you.

My calculations indicate the odds are one billion to one

against your boarding an aircraft with two bombs on it."

This is obviously crazy advice, but the statistics are

correct and they reveal how you can prove anything with

statistics. The jump of the odds from one million to one

billion also points out what a radical difference there can be

between one and two. Upon close examination we find the

most radical transition anywhere is the jump from one to


Elton Trueblood, the outstanding Quaker theologian,

points out some things of interest here. He says that the step

from two to three is relatively slight, but the step from one to

two is enormous. Why? Because when you go from two to

three you are going from one degree of plurality to another,

but when you go from one to two you leapt out of one

category into another totally different, not only in degree but

in kind, for you leap from singularity into to plurality. For

example, if a man has two or three wives or any number

beyond this he remains in the same class-he is a polygamist.

But if he has one wife he is a monogamist. To go from one to

two is a change in class, but to go from two to any other

number is only a change of degree within the same class. To

go from two to any other number is just a change in

quantity, but to go from one to two is a change in quality.

One is the most unique of all numbers, not only because it

is the beginning of numbers, but because it represents a class

all it's own. Singularity refers to one, and one only, but

plurality refers to all the rest from two to infinity.

Trueblood says, "There is more essential difference between

one and two then there is between two and a million." This

is more than an interesting fact of mathematics, it is an

important theological truth. One is the great theological

number, for ultimates are characterized by singularity, and

they call for undivided concentrated commitment. Paul in

Eph. 4 says, "There is one body and one Spirit, just as you

were called to the one hope that belongs to your call, one

Lord, one faith, one baptism, one God and Father of us


Christianity is characterized by oneness, and we find this

is also central in the Old Testament. The most basic text of

Judaism is Deut. 6:4, "Hear, O Israel: The Lord our God is

one Lord." One God is the foundational doctrine of the

Bible, and that is why commandment number one deals with

the fundamental issue of oneness. God prohibits a plurality

of gods and demands singular and concentrated devotion to

Himself. No other category but oneness is acceptable. He

will tolerate nothing but that unique class of number one.

The Old Testament emphasis is on the prohibition of

polytheism. The New Testament emphasis is on the positive

concentrated devotion to the one God. Both have the same

goal, but before one can concentrate he has to get rid of his

divisive loyalties. Let's look first at the Old Testament

emphasis which-


hard for us to conceive in this day of growing atheism and

anti-religious attitudes, but one of man's basic problems has

always been that he is too religious. Man's tendency has

always been to believe too much rather than too little. The

result is, his religion distorts all of reality and becomes a vice

rather than a virtue. Doctor John Baillie says, "A pagan is

not a man who does not believe in and worship deity, but a

man who believes in and worships too many deities." The

pagan is too religious. He has no unity of life, but is a

shambles of disunity, tossed about by fears and uncertainty.

He is at the mercy of gods everywhere, and never knows for

sure how to placate them or gain their favor.

Paul in Rom. 1 says that one of the worst curses that ever

befell man was when God gave them up to worship their

manifold gods. As too many cooks spoil the soup, so too

many gods spoil life. When you have gods galore and even

more, your devotions are divided. There is no basis for unity

in the individual or society. Chaos reigns within and

without. Every man creates his God in his own image. Too

much religion can be more of an enemy to mans unity than

no religion.

The Jews came out of Egypt where there were many gods,

and they were headed for Canaan where there were many

gods. The only hope for Israel to become a unified nation

was to prohibit them from giving devotion to the plurality of

gods they would encounter. Even two gods is one too many,

for it divides man, and man cannot be divided in his

ultimate loyalties and be happy. Jesus said that we cannot

serve God and mammon. You will love the one and hate the

other he said. A compound ultimate devotion is a

psychological impossibility.

This is a universe and not a multiverse. The planets

revolve around a single Sun, and so it must be with man. He

cannot have a duel or plural center and be happy. He must

have a single center, a single devotion, a single God.

Oneness is the only category into which ultimate value will

fit. Science confirms monotheism by revealing the unity of

all creation. There is only one Creator of this unity, for all

is regulated by one system of law.

Now you might think that this commandment is not

relevant for our day. The choice now is not between one

God and many, but between one God and none. Atheism

and not polytheism is the great competitor for mans loyalty

today. Gods Word prohibits the jump from one to two, and

God demands that His people reduce their devotion to one

God, but the atheist wants to reduce even further and have

no God at all. Even one is one too many for them. But

atheism is really only a subtle move to get back to

polytheism. Even the atheist and unbeliever has values

which become the object of his highest devotion. For some it

is the state, or money, or pleasure, or power, or fame, but

every man has his gods, and if he does not have one, and one

only, he will have several. Oneness alone is ultimate, and if

man goes either way, ahead to two or more, or back to none,

he opens himself up to an infinite number of gods. No God

and many gods leave a man in the same boat. Atheism and

polytheism both leave men empty, for neither provides for

an ultimate loyalty. Man only rejects the one true God

because of his foolish desire for a plurality of gods, and this

is as true today as it was in the ancient world, and it leads to

the same problem of lack of unity.

Civilized men in America are polytheist and their

broadminded message is, "All gods are the true god, and

everyone is a prophet." Everyone makes his own god in his

own image. The effect of this plurality of gods demanding

devotion is the same as it has always been. There is a

breakdown in unity, a loss of standards of morality, and it is

every man for himself. There is no longer a single voice to

follow, but a host of voices calling men to go different

directions. Man's nature cannot stand this disunity,

however, and so there is a desperate effort to find a cause

that will satisfy the craving for oneness. Man needs oneness

even if he rejects the oneness of God. He searches for a

single ultimate loyalty to which he can give undivided

devotion. Conrad Aikin in Time In The Rock, expressed the

mind of those caught in the whirlpool of plurality, but

recognizing the need for a single cause to give life unity and


We need a theme! Than let that be our theme:

That we, poor grovellers between faith and doubt,

The sun and north star lost, and compass out,

The heart's engine all but stopped, the time

Timeless in this chaos of our wills-

That we must ask a theme, something to think,

Something to say, between dawn and dark,

Something to hold to, something to love.

Man's very nature cries out for a single ultimate

loyalty--something to hold too, something to love.

The First Commandment is God's merciful attempt to

help man avoid the painful search for a way out of the

darkness and despair of a plurality of devotions, to the light

and love of a single devotion. Even with this prohibition,

however, Israel failed time and time again before she learned

the truth stated by H. G. Wells, "Until a man has found God

he begins at no beginning, and works to no end." After

much suffering for disobedience, Israel finally did forsake all

other gods, and escaped the disunity of compound devotion.

So when we come to the New Testament we see Jesus

emphasizing the positive aspect of the First Commandment



Jesus said the First Commandment is that we are to love

God with all our hearts, minds, and soul. The negative

aspect of the command is its exclusiveness. It excludes all

other gods and demands that they be eliminated. Positively,

it is an inclusive commandment, for it calls not for just one

aspect of our devotion, but for all aspects of it. It demands

that the plurality of our nature be united in an undivided

concentrated devotion. Our whole nature is to be united

around the oneness of God.

One God, one law, one element,

And one far-off divine event

To which the whole creation moves.

Concentrated devotion is the fundamental principle

necessary for all success. That is why it is the First

Commandment. If we do not start here we will get nowhere.

God knows that concentration is essential and that none will

be able to keep His law and be pleasing to Him if they do not

acquire the singleness of devotion required by this First


If a man cannot have a concentrated devotion to one

God, how can it be expected that he will be able to be

committed to lesser loyalties? A man who fails to obey the

First Commandment is likely to break all the rest, for they

are a unity and all depend on the first. Jesus taught that if

we love God with all of our nature the rest of the

commandments will fall into place and be fulfilled in love. A

small boy reading a well-known hymn read it wrong, but the

wrong reading was still a basic truth. He read, "take my life

and let it be concentrated Lord on thee." Emerson said,

"The one prudence in life is concentration, the one evil is


Vance Havner, like many others, is convinced that the

weakness of Christians today is the result of their dissipated

devotion. He writes, "there are not a few saints today who

spread themselves out too thinly. They are taken up with so

many good concerns that too many irons are in the fire.

They attack along a front so long that they never advance

anywhere. They would do more if they did less." Aaron

Crane, and efficiency expert wrote, "the mind cannot

successfully attend to two things at once, for a part of the

mind can never accomplish as much as the whole, and

divided attention always causes inefficiency in some

direction." That is why Paul said, "this one thing I do," and

not these twenty things I dabble at.

God is the greatest efficiency expert and that is why He

demands concentrated devotion. He knows that a divided

devotion creates an unstable life. A young man was

proposing to his girlfriend and he said, "I am not wealthy

like Jerome, and I don't have a yacht and convertible like

Jerome, but my darling I love you." The girl responded, "I

love you too, but tell me more about this Jerome." She had

a divided devotion, and when you offer a divided devotion

you offer a mutilated devotion, and we do not want that kind

of devotion even on the human level. How much less does

God want it? His nature demands the whole of our devotion

and so does our happiness.

During the Civil War the Southern States kept making

offers to Lincoln. They offered to give up more and more

territory if the rest would be allowed to remain independent.

Lincoln, however, met each new offer with refusal, and at a

Conference he placed his hand on a map so as to cover all

the Southern States, and gave this ultimatum, "Gentlemen,

this government must have the whole." Lincoln demanded

total unity with no exception. "A nation divided against

itself cannot stand," he said, and God says the same of the

soul. A soul divided in its loyalties cannot stand, and that it

why He demands that our devotion be concentrated on one


Arthur Sweltz in New Directions From The Ten

Commandments, tells about the movie, Save The Tiger.

Jack Lemmon plays the role of a man who lived during

World War II. He accepted good and bad in life as his

parents had and their parents before them. Now he feels

lost, however, for the routine of life had been shattered. He

says, "There are not rules anymore, just referees."

Everything is relative, but relative to what? He had lost his

foundation and life becomes very insecure without a

foundation. That is why God gave man this First

Commandment. He begins his letter to His

people--exclusively yours. He does this, not only because He

is the only God, but also because the gods those men invent

rob them of the freedom they were meant to enjoy. In a

maze there are many ways to go, but only one leads to

freedom. God in this First Commandment is putting up a

sign, which says, in the maze of life this is the way to go. He

does not do it to make life limited, but just the opposite, to

prevent men from dead ends, and lead them to freedom.

Man has only two choices--he can follow the God who made

him, or follow the gods he makes. The one leads to life and

freedom, and the other to bondage and death.

This First Commandment is a law of love, for God knows

we cannot be happy in split-level living with dual or multiple

gods demanding our devotion. The law is God's

preventative love, whereas the cross is God's redeeming love.

If I say to my son,"thou shalt not go near the river," that is a

law of love given to prevent him from danger and death.

But if he defies this law of love and goes and falls in anyway

and I leap in and save him, that is redeeming love. In the

law God warns, but in the cross God rescues and redeems.

Love is the motive behind both.

The law could not redeem man anymore than my

prohibition could pull my son out of the river. God had to

give His Son to redeem us and save us from the

consequences of sin, but after being delivered, the law still

stands as a law of love to prevent further folly and falls.

After I rescue my son from the river, he still needs to heed

the command to stay away from it. The law is even more

meaningful now, for he knows the dangerous consequences

of disobedience.

So it is with the First Commandment of God. The

Christian can appreciate and experience its great value more

than ever. He can avoid the dangers and unhappiness that

comes from lack of concentrated devotion to one ultimate

and absolute God. Let us, therefore, concentrate our

devotion, and make the choice that G.A. Studdert-Kennedy

made in his poem-

All war must end in Peace. These clouds are lies.

They cannot last. The blue sky is the Truth.

For God is love. Such is my Faith, and such

My reasons for it, and I find it strong

Enough. And you? You want to argue? Well,

I can't. It is a choice. I choose the Christ.

None of us can do everything in life, but all of us can do the

most important thing in life--we can make this choice, and

by such concentrated devotion obey the First



A young boy was visiting his uncle on a Sunday when a

new neighbor knocked at the door. When he answered it,

and learned that he wanted to borrow the lawn mower, he

conveyed the message to his uncle. The uncle said, "If he

mows his lawn on the Sabbath he'll be breaking the Ten

Commandments. So go and tell him that we have no lawn


When a man will lie and break the Ten Commandments

in order to keep someone else from breaking them, one

suspects the compelling motivation is not a humanitarian

heart, but a selfish one. Besides breaking the law of God

himself, the uncle did not prevent his neighbor from doing

so, for one does not keep the Sabbath by the mere negative

fact of lacking a lawn mower. Obedience to the fourth

commandment is a matter of one's attitude and relationship

to God. No amount of legislation and coercion can give to

men the essence of the value of the fourth commandment.

Law and force can retrain a man from doing many things,

but it cannot compel him to keep the Sabbath holy as a day

of rest and worship.

One of the perpetual problems of our nation is the

problem of the church and state in relation to the law. This

was no problem in Israel, for the church and state were one.

A crime against God, which we would call a sin, was a crime

against the state. It was an act of treason against the ruler of

the land, and, therefore, punishable as a crime.

In America a sin is not necessarily a crime. Over half of

the Ten Commandments can be broken, and it is of no

concern to the state as far as the law goes. We feel it is not

within the jurisdiction of the state to legislate on matters of

religion. The New Testament makes it clear the Pharisees

legislated the blessings of the Sabbath right out of existence,

and made it a burden. Jesus refused to be bound by man

made laws for this day. He said the Sabbath was made for

man, not man for the Sabbath. It was a gift of God for

man's benefit, and so He threw overboard the legalistic

legislation, and used the Sabbath for teaching, healing, and

doing good. They, of course, hated and despised Him for His

lawlessness. They sought to kill Him as a Sabbath breaker,

but Jesus refused to be bound by legalism.

The Puritans were also infected with this germ of

legalism, and in some ways, in spite of their greatness, and

powerful influence for good in our nation, were just like the

Pharisees in their strictness for details. Richard Brathwaite


To Brandbury came I, O profane one!

Where I saw a Puritane one

Hanging of his cat on Monday,

For killing of a mouse on Sunday.

Whether this is fact or fiction, we have many actual laws

on record that show they meant business when it came to

keeping the Sabbath. One of the Pilgrim fathers drew up a

code of laws for the state of Massachusetts, and this was one

of them. "Whosoever shall profane the Lord's Day by doing

any unnecessary work,

by unnecessary traveling or by sports and recreation, he or

they who so transgress shall forfeit forty shillings, or be

publicly whipped; but if it shall appear to have been done

presumptuously, such person or persons shall be put to

death, or otherwise severely punished at the discretion of the


If such laws were in force today, America would be a

different nation, especially on Sunday. But Christians would

be the first to protest such legislation, and they should be,

for this is not the purpose of government to legislate religious

conviction. The state has no right to impose the conviction of

any group on the rest of the citizens. We would not want the

Seventh Day Adventist conviction imposed on us, forcing us

to worship on Saturday. Nor do they want ours imposed on

them. It is true that forcing people to take a day off for rest

and worship would be good for them, but so would it be

good if they got to bed early, drank a lot of juice, and ate

lettuce, but who would want these to be matters of

legislation? To get the full value of what God intended by

this fourth commandment one must chose to obey it with a

free and committed will.

This is one of the two commandments that is stated

positively, but it also has a negative aspect which we want to

look at briefly before looking at the positive. The negative



It is important that we see the limitation of what is

prohibited. Pleasure, laughter, and recreation are not

prohibited. It is the labor of life that is to halt on this day.

It is to be a day off for everyone, even the slaves, so that it is

a day of rest and happiness for all. By prohibiting work one

day in seven God made all men in the community equal in

their dignity before Him. All had the equal right to rest and

worship. All had the right to have time to develop their

souls, and maintain the health of their body. This

commandment was God's greatest gift to man in the Old

Testament, for it alone gave every man equal freedom to be

what God wanted them to be.

The Sabbath is God's testimony to, and preservation of,

the dignity of man. H. Cohen, a Jewish author, writes, "The

Sabbath became the most effective patron-saint of the

Jewish people. The ghetto Jew discarded all the toil and

trouble of his daily life when the Sabbath lamp was lit. All

insult and outrage was shaken off. The love of God, which

returned to him the Sabbath each seventh day, restored to

him also his honor and human dignity even in his lowly

hut." Another Jewish author said, "There is no Judaism

without the Sabbath." The Sabbath played a major role in

the preservation of Israel in her exile.

This gift of one day in seven free from labor was not just

for the good of the Jews, but for the good of all men. Jesus

said it was made for man, and just for Israel. The Jews

recognized this also, and Cohen writes again, "Had Judaism

brought into the world only the Sabbath, it would thereby

have proved itself to be a producer of joy and a promoter of

peace for mankind. The Sabbath was the first step on the

road which led to the abrogation of slavery." By prohibiting

perpetual labor God guaranteed that every person would be

free from the tyranny of materialism, and free to give a

portion of his life to develop his eternal soul, and the higher

faculties of manhood.

Life has changed a great deal from Biblical days, and we

do not put in the hours of toil to earn a living as men use to,

but the fact remains, we can still be so busy,

even if we only work five days a week, that we are slaves to

the flesh, and servants of the tyrant of materialism. We are

not to worry about the letter of the law, for life is too

different for that to have meaning today, but the spirit of the

prohibition of perpetual labor is still relevant and essential

for the Christian life. It is wrong to be so busy that our

physical health and spiritual life is neglected. God demands

that we take time off from the business of making a living in

order to live. An old Negro spiritual captures the idea.

Slow me down, Lawd, I'se agoin too fast,

I can't see my brother when he's walkin past,

I miss a lot of good things day by day,

I don't know a blessing when it comes my way.

We must slow down and obey this negative aspect of the

commandment which prohibits perpetual labor if we ever

hope to gain the benefits of the positive aspect which we

want to consider next, and which,


You will notice that nothing is said about worship. That

comes in as a logical consequence, but the essence of the

command is for relaxation. To keep it holy does not mean to

worship. It means to keep it separate and distinct, and

different. It means to keep it a day dedicated to God. This

includes worship, but all the emphasis is on rest. You might

think that all this fuss about relaxation is majoring on a

minor. Why should one of the Ten Commandments, and the

longest one at that, be a command to relax?

God made us, and He happens to know what is essential

to the well being of our body, mind, and spirit. Many tests

have been taken that prove relaxation must balance out

exertion if one is going to have a healthy life. Man's whole

system rebels against continuous monotony and endless

repetition-what we call being in a rut. God built the need

for diversity and variety into our very being. Then He gave

the gift of the Sabbath that we might satisfy that need.

Neglect of this leads to the inability to relax, and the result is

we become irritable and depressed. A problem that could be

handled with ease ordinarily becomes a major calamity

when we are exhausted. We become sarcastic and

pessimistic about life. Women easily cry, and men easily lose

their temper, and if you could add up all the sorrow that

comes to life due to lack of relaxation, you would realize the

importance of this fourth commandment to all of society.

Man needs a day of rest from toil and release from

tension. He needs a day on which he can renounce the

temporal and be receptive to the eternal. An English doctor,

George Newman said, "Most people stand in greater need of

rest than of movement. There is an excess of noise, clatter

and meaningless activities." Thousands of quotes from

authorities in many fields demonstrate, beyond a shadow of

a doubt, that one day of rest in seven is a must for those who

are interested in good health. God is concerned about our

bodies. Jesus spent a good many of His Sabbaths healing the

bodies of people. We should be concerned also, and practice

God's prescription for good health.

A day of rest is not only essential for the body but for the

mind as well. Doctor Crichton Browne said, "We doctors

are now constantly compelled in the treatment of nervous

diseases to prescribe periods of absolute rest and complete

seclusion. Some periods are, I think, only Sundays in

arrears." If we do not take periodic rest, or if we do not

grant God one day in seven on the installment plan, we may

have to pay it all in one lump sum by enforced rest through

illness. For example, the people of Israel spent four hundred

and ninety years in the promise land and neglected to obey

God's law of letting the land rest one in seven years. They

let seventy Sabbath years pass by unheeded, but they only

hurt themselves, and gained God's judgment, for they were

carried away into captivity for seventy years, and the land

got its seventy Sabbath years of rest. II Chron. 36:20-21

says, "He took into exile in Babylon those who had escaped

the sword......To fulfill the Word of Lord by the mouth of

Jeremiah, until the land had enjoyed it's Sabbaths. All the

days that it lay desolate it kept Sabbath, to fulfill seventy


God takes the need for relaxation very seriously.

Everything needs rest, even land and animals. It is just a

basic principle of life, and not to obey God's command to

relax is to try and defy the laws that govern both physical

and spiritual reality. The only alternative to obedience is to

suffer the consequences. A Jewish author said, "This is the

meaning of the Jewish Sabbath, to give to man peaceful

hours, hours completely diverted from every day life,

seclusion from the world in the midst of the world."

This is essential for us as Christians. We can never be

in the world but not of the world if we never find seclusion

from the world. Vance Havner wrote, "It is high time we

learn that in this nerve-wrecking maddening modern rush,

we have let the spirit of the times rob us utterly of mediation,

devotion, and rest. There is no depth to us. A lot of our

Christian life and work is frothy, superficial, and thin.

We are growing mushrooms, not oaks. We spread ourselves

too thinly, striking everywhere and hitting hard nowhere.

We Christians often lead dissipated lives, squandering our

energies in a multitude of good things but becoming so

exhausted that none of it counts for much."

The Jews used one day in seven to develop their mind

and soul. It was their chance to read and grow in wisdom.

It was a day to let their spirit catch up with their bodies that

they might be whole men again. You would not find them

wasting the day in idleness. Philo, " Moses did not give the

name of rest to mere inactivity."

They were active, but in away that added variety to life, and

gave their inner man a chance for expression. Modern man

still has not learned what the Jews had to learn the hard

way. The result is increasing heart attacks, mental illness,

and ignorance of the Word of God. Body, mind, and spirit

all suffer where the fourth commandment is not obeyed.

Lord Dawson in a lecture on Some Varieties of Headache

said, "So often the day of rest sees the same strenuousness

and feverish activity as the day of work. It is relaxation that

is needed and its ark requires study."

One of the reasons Christians often have serious mental,

physical, and spiritual problems is due to the angelic fallacy,

as Dr. Bob Smith called it. It is the false idea that we are

angels rather then men, and that we do not have to obey the

laws of God concerning the limits of the human body. No

matter how spiritual you are, if you push yourself and do not

get adequate rest, you will be an irritable person. You will

not need a den in your house, for you will growl in every

room. You will be hard to live with, and a poor testimony

for the Lord. You will let Satan trick you with the angelic

fallacy. This is the very trick he tried on Jesus. He told

Jesus to jump off the temple and God would save Him.

Jesus knew that was tempting God for He had to live by the

laws of the flesh, and walk down the stairs like everyone else.

Satan says to us that we do not need to waste time in

relaxation, and when we listen and obey him we miss the

benefits of God's plan of relaxation.

The guy who says the devil never takes a vacation and so

why should I, is not being super spiritual, for that is the

angelic fallacy. Satan doesn't need a vacation, but we do, for

we have the limitations of flesh. If we do not obey the

limitations we suffer the consequences. Dr. David H. Fink in

Release From Nervous Tension says that the first step to help

is learning the technique of relaxation. Man is the only

creature that finds it so hard to relax that God had to make

it a command.

Worship goes hand in hand with relaxation, for it takes

us into a different world where we escape the tensions and

pressures of time. Worship has physical and mental, as well

as spiritual values. It aids the body in relaxing. William

James, the dean of American psychologists wrote and essay

on the Gospel Of Relaxation. He pointed out the folly of

men in trying to solve all life's problems by mental and

physical labor when the answer to many of them is found in

rest. He wrote, "The way to success, as vouched for by

innumerable authentic personal narratives, is

by...surrender...passivity, not activity--relaxation, not

intentness, should now be the rule." Studies show that

nearly all the discoveries in research laboratories come as

hunches during a period of relaxation.

It is a great paradox, but we will never get as far as God

wants us to go unless we stop. Standing still is the key to

moving forward. Those pioneers who traveled across the

country without a let up saw their animals and wagons

break down from over use, but those who took a day off to

rest, in obedience to the fourth commandment, were able to

press on and reach their goal. God's law applies to us today,

and either we learn to relax, or we will pay the penalty.

Rest is one of God's greatest gifts. Salvation is a form of

rest. Jesus said, "Come unto me all ye that labor and are

heavy laden, and I will give you rest." You don't have to

labor and work your way into favor with God. You need

only to surrender to Christ and rest on His finished work.

The peace and security of salvation is found in rest and not

labor. Just as the peace of sleep does not come by clinging to

the bed, but by surrender and relaxation upon the bed, so

salvation does not come by our striving, but by trust in

Christ and resting upon His promise. The Sabbath is a

symbol of our faith and rest in Christ. Obedience to this

fourth commandment is our way of saying we trust in Christ

and rest on Him, and not in our own labor.


Back in the 60's eight wrestlers took their own lives because

world champion 37 year old Gohlam-Rexa committed

suicide. Three of them left notes saying they could not stand

the death of their idol. Almost every time a well-known

person takes their own life some of their worshipers do the

same. Idolatry is alive and well in our world today. We are

deceived if we think idolatry is not a modern problem. It is

one of the most common sins of our day.

So often we connect sin with sex, as if sex was the major

area of human sin, but in the Ten Commandments that is

number 7 on the list while idolatry is number 2. From God's

perspective idolatry is a greater danger than immorality

because idolatry is the cause for immorality. Men would not

be so immoral if they did not idolize sex.

When man takes a real but relative value, and makes it

absolute, he perverts it. That is why idolatry is mans

greatest problem, for by it he ruins, destroys, and perverts

all of the good things of life. By absolutizing the relative, or

by putting the good in place of the best, man distorts reality

and lives a life out of balance with the laws of God. True

faith is faith in the truly ultimate--it is faith in God.

Idolatrous faith is a putting of ones trust in some finite

reality which has been raised to the level of the ultimate.

If sex, science, the state, society, or superstars are made

the ultimate values in our lives, they become idols. The

result will be we will take these valid values and turn them

into monsters of evil, for nothing can be God but God

without leading men into one kind of hell or another.

There has been some progress in the history of idolatry.

Modern man is not quite so conspicuous about it. He no

longer bows before idols of wood and stone. He has become

far cleverer in disguising his worship. The poet reveals one

area of this higher level idolatry.

The heathen in his blindness

Bows down to wood and stone.

The Christian in his wisdom

Bows down to gold alone.

Man has become more sophisticated in his folly. His

idolatry is on a level that sometimes is almost noble. The old

gods have been destroyed and their temples burned.

Centuries ago, Edwin, the ruler of Northumbria in Britain,

accepted Christ and called for an uprising against the useless

gods in the temple. The high priest galloped towards the

temple in the sight of all the people, and he hurled a lance

into the interior where the idols were. When this sacrilege

remained unpunished, the people at the command of this

daring challenger of the gods proceeded to overthrow and

burn the temple. These days of the glorious overthrow of

visible idols are over, but the battle against idolatry

continues in full force.

Erich Fromm, a social scientist, in his book, The Sane

Society, writes, "Is it not time to cease to argue about God,

and instead to unite in the unmasking of contemporary

forms of idolatry? Today it is not Baal and Astarte but the

deification of the state and of power in authoritarian

countries and the deification of the machine and of success

in our own culture."

William Jennings Bryan pointed out long ago that some

forms of idolatry are on such a high level that they produce

good, and that is why we are blind to their dangers. The

man whose god is gold is often very industrious, zealous, and

clever, and we praise him for these qualities which lead him

to his success in his idolatry. The man who worships fame

and does his best to attain it may do much good for the state

and community. Therefore, we respect his form of idolatry.

We are impressed with any form of idolatry that succeeds,

and so we tend to idolize success. As we study this

command, therefore, we must recognize it is Gods Word for

us today and not just a record of His Word to others of the


Like the First Commandment, this one has a negative and

a positive side to it. And, again, the Old Testament

emphasis is on the negative, whereas, Jesus emphasized the

positive. The negative must come first, however, for as we

said on the First Commandment, all other gods must be

eliminated before concentrated dovotion can be given to the

one true God. So also, sensual idolatrous worship must be

eliminated before man can worship God truly in spirit and

in truth. Let's consider the negative first which-


Idolatry is basically the worship of the visible and,

therefore, God prohibits any image of any likeness of

anything in heaven, earth, or sea to be an aid in worship, for

the aid tends to become an object of worship.

It is important that we recognize that true worship is

what is being protected by this Second Commandment. The

First Commandment was to eliminate worship of all false

gods, and the Second is to eliminate all false forms of

worship of the true God. In other words, it would be

possible to be monotheist, and obey the First Commandment

by having no other gods but Jehovah, and yet be an idolater

by worshipping Jehovah in the form of some idol. This is

exactly what happened while Moses was receiving the Ten

Commandments. The people in their craving for a visible

god melted all their gold and made a golden calf to represent

Jehovah. Aaron proclaimed a feast to the Lord, and they

worshiped and sacrificed to the golden calf as the god who

brought them out of the land of Egypt. It was a symbol of

the true God, but this is what is being forbidden by this

Commandment, for it reduces God to the level of a visible


This same thing happened when Jeroboam divided the

kingdom and established a new worship in Israel. He did it

so the people would not have to go into the southern

kingdom of Judah to worship at Jerusalem. He was not

advocating the worship of other gods and breaking the First

Commandment. He was breaking the Second

Commandment by setting up idols to represent the true

God. In I Kings 12:28 we read, "So the king took counsel,

and made two calves of gold. And he said to the people, you

have gone up to Jerusalem long enough. Behold your gods,

O Israel, who brought you up out of the land of Egypt."

Idolatry, we see, can be either a visible substitute for the

invisible God, or a visible representation of Him who is

unseen. In either case idolatry is involved only when worship

or service is an issue. You are not to bow down or serve them

is stressed over and over in the Old Testament. Lev. 26:1

says, "Ye shall make no graven image, neither shall ye set up

any image of stone to bow down to it." Deut. 16:22 says,

"Neither shalt thou set up any image which the Lord Thy

God hateth." Ps.97:7 says, "Confounded be all they that

serve graven images."

Even if the image represents your idea of the true God, it

is wrong and folly to worship it, for God can only be

dishonored by such an image. It is absurd to bow to what

represents God when the One it represents is ever present.

No mate would be pleased if they were ignored while great

respect is given to their picture. Thomas Watson, the old

Puritan, has a delightful rebuke to those who defend idols

because they remind them of God. He says this is as if a

woman should say she keeps company with another man to

put her in mind of her husband. There is no way to justify

any use whatever of any representation of God. It took Israel

a long time to learn this. Watson wrote, "If you search

through the whole Bible, there is not one sin that God has

more followed with plague than idolatry. The Jews have a

saying, that in every evil that befalls them, there is an ounce

of the golden calf in it." God is a jealous God, and He will no

more tolerate an idol than any man would tolerate his wife

keeping the picture of a lover on their bedroom dresser. God

demands loyalty of His bride, and this means no competition

with visible images of any kind.

If you apply this Second Commandment to all contexts,

regardless of their relationship to worship, you have the

extreme position the Jews finally came to, as well as the

Mohammedans and some Christians. Art and sculpture were

forbidden entirely. There have been great musical geniuses

like Mozart, Beethoven, and Mendelssohn, but who ever

heard of a great Jewish artist or sculptor? Their temples are

without any paintings or statues. Some Christians have even

refused to have their pictures taken because it produces an

image. This extreme position has no support in Scripture. It

is, in fact, an idolatrous exaltation of the Second

Commandment to a level above the Word of God. A Jewish

saying goes, "The Torah warns us not to make idols of God's

commandments." This is what the extreme view of the

Second Commandment does. It makes an idol of the

command against idols.

God in this commandment prohibited sensual worship,

but He did not prohibit art or sculpture. All of the statures

of famous people in capitol buildings and parks are not idols,

for they are not objects of worship. If people bowed to them

and worshiped them they would be, but this is not likely a

problem. Images are not idols unless they are connected with

worship and service. God commanded that two images of

Cherubim be set up to overshadow the mercy seat in the

Holy of Holies. He also commanded the image of the serpent

to be set up on a pole so that people could look at it and be

cured when they were bitten. It just so happened that this

image did become an idol to people and it had to be

destroyed, but it was a legitimate image authorized by God.

People can take what is not an idol and make it one. They

can worship any picture or any statue, but this does not

make them a violation of the Second Commandment in

themselves. They can be just as legitimate as the serpent God

commanded be set up for good, but people can abuse the

good and make it evil. Until they do so, however, the good is

still good. The creative arts are to be enjoyed. God used

creative men to make His temple filled with beautiful images

on the walls. He is not opposed to creating beauty in things.

He is only opposed to images being used to represent Him,

and thus used as objects of worship. The reason for this will

be clear as we consider the positive side of the

commandment which-



Jesus gave us the positive side when He said, "God is

spirit and those who worship Him must worship Him in

spirit and in truth." God cannot be reduced to an object.

True worship depends upon the imagination, for where

anything visible is an object of worship, even if it represents

the true God, it is idolatry. One of the reasons there is no

authentic picture of Christ is, no doubt, the danger of

idolatry. And if we had even one sliver of the real cross of

Christ it would be held in reverence and be considered

priceless, when in reality it would have no more value than a

broken matchstick. Man has this tendency to reverence

things, however, and to give to them the devotion due to

God alone. The Second Commandment is given to protect

man from this tendency, and lead him to a high spiritual

concept of God.

God is Spirit and He does not want sensual worship. He

wants spiritual worship. Jesus said we are to love God with

all our minds and souls, and this calls for a committed

imagination. Imagination is essential to effective Christian

worship. Leslie Weatherhead wrote, "The imagination, we

must remember, is not only a faculty by which we may

conjure up something that has no existence in reality, but by

which we may apprehend a reality which cannot be seen. If

it is scientific to use the faculty of sight to make sure of the

presence of a visible person, why is it unscientific to use the

faculty of imagination to realize a unseen presence?"

If you ask what imagination is you enter a vast field of

investigation. Alex Osborn said, "It is a tough question

because that word is wider than a three ring circus tent and

covers wild beasts as well as tame." It has over 50

synonyms. Like so many things that are hard to define and

talk about, we know about the imagination by experience.

We have this faculty in us. Someone said that a bee stinger

is only three tenths of an inch long--the other two inches is

imagination. Imagination is that faculty that has been called

the eye of the soul. In itself it is no more virtuous or skillful

than the physical eye of the body. It too must be developed

and trained or it can be very faulty. But this is the faculty

which is to supply the images for the worship of God rather

than the eye of the body.

If you object that mental images can be as faulty as metal

ones, you are right. But the mental image is fluid, and can

be changed by increased knowledge and maturity of

understanding. A physical image is fixed and tends to hold

back growth in our understanding of God. The image

degrades God and limits God to the sensual, whereas, the

imagination is a wide-open field for advancement allowing

man to penetrate deeper and deeper into the unseen realm o

spirit and truth.

The Second Commandment was given to help man escape

the bondage of the flesh, and to rise to the high level of

spiritual fellowship. God often cannot get through to men at

all because of their dead imagination. They are slaves of the

invisible, and have no capacity to see the vision of spiritual

values. Jesus said that we must become as little children to

enter the kingdom of heaven, and certainly one of factors

involved here is the imagination. Children are open to the

world of spirit. Reality is not shut up to the physical and

visible for them. Macaulay said, "He who, in an enlightened

and literary society, aspires to be a great poet must first

become a little child." He is only echoing Christ, and is

adding his testimony to the evidence that says man can

never rise to the highest level of his nature if he loses his

childlike imagination. God wants man to worship Him on

this highest spiritual level where his imagination plays a

major role.

Napoleon said, "Imagination rules the world." Arthur

Brisbane wrote, "Like color and perfume in a flower, the

fruit of a tree, imagination is the highest, noblest attribute of

a human being. It is the quality that sees truths by intuition,

that carries the mind flying through space, the forerunner of

all useful, material achievements of human beings." If

imagination is essential for material progress, how much

more is it essential for the advancement of the spirit?

The materialist likes to think he deals only with the facts,

as if imagination, hope, thought, and prayer were not as

much facts as bricks and bones and sticks and stones.

Imagination is one of the greatest facts, for it allows man to

reach out beyond his five senses into the supersensual realm.

When men refuse to use this faculty for worship, and instead

bring God down to the level that can be grasped by their

senses, they break the Second Commandment.

All arguments, therefore, that seek to justify the use of

images because they make it easier to worship are arguments

in defense of the very thing that is forbidden. No doubt,

there are impressive statues that could stimulate awe, but

they would then become the objects of adoration and detract

from our adoration of God. Ernest Thompson wrote,

"History has shown that the use of any material symbol in

worship is attended by two dangers. The first is that men lift

the symbol up to the level of God; the second that they drag

God down to the level of the symbol." A visual image soon

becomes an end rather than a means. There is a subtle shift

from faith to sight. If you must see anything to feel you have

worshipped God you are in danger of the most subtle kind of


True worship comes from within, and is dependent upon

a sanctified imagination. The Second Commandment is a

call to forsake the dependence upon the sensual and climb to

the higher level of spiritual worship. If you reduce God to a

material image you reduce Him to time and space and have

a man made god, not the God of Scripture. A material

image of God locks Him into a static unchanging form and

reduces the infinite to the finite. The essence of this Second

Commandment is that God if infinite and it not to be locked

into any finite form. He must be worshiped in spirit and in

truth so that He can keep on growing in our minds as we

gain more light about His nature. We are never to limit His

unlimited nature, but be ever open to grow in our awareness

of who God is. That is why imagination is essential to

authentic worship, and why it is commanded.


During the Civil War one company of soldiers adopted a

rule that every man who swore would be required to read

aloud a chapter from the Bible. While that rule was in force

one private read all of Genesis and Exodus and was starting

on Leviticus. The one recording the experience said he had

a fine prospect of finishing the Old Testament before his

three months enlistment was up. If ever there was a good

thing done for a bad reason, this was it. I suspect that the

Bible societies could scarcely meet the demand if this rule

was in force today. Swearing and using the name of God

and Christ in vain are so common today that it is hardly

even shocking anymore.

Swearomaniacs are allowed to run loose everywhere in

our society filling the air with pollution as dangerous to the

soul as carbon monoxide to the body. Profanity is one of our

greatest air pollution problems. It is highly contagious, and

young people grow up becoming infected with it almost

unconsciously. When I was a chaplain at a county jail I

asked the men to think about why they swear so much.

Every one of them agreed, they picked it up as children from

their parents.

Modern novels and films spew the poisonous germs of

profanity into the stream of our consciousness at a

frightening rate. If somebody is not swearing somewhere in

a movie it is supposedly unrealistic. As a matter of fact, it is

unrealistic to portray the lives of typical people without

profanity. Anyone who works among the public is aware of

the impure vocabulary of modern man, and regrettably,

modern women also. It use to be in poor taste to swear in

the presence of a lady, but now days she is liable to beat you

to it.

Young people are exposed to profanity from every angle.

And English teacher assigned a composition to be written

containing 250 words. The next day one boy stood up to

read his, and said, "My uncle was driving his new car one

day and he had a puncture. The other 236 words are not fit

for publication." It is not likely that the teacher would let

him get by with this, but it is also true that God will not let

the uncle get by with his profanity. The Third

Commandment has a concluding statement that says, "For

the Lord will not hold him guiltless who takes his name in

vain." We are not dealing here with a trivial matter, but one

that is extremely important from God's point of view. The

Third Commandment has to be taken seriously in our day,

for it is as far from being obsolete as sunshine and oxygen in

this dark and polluted world.

The implications and applications are two numerous to

cover in one message, and so we will be limiting ourselves to

a practical explanation of what is involved. Like the

previous commandments, this one is in a negative form, but

we will see Jesus give it a positive side. Let's consider first

the negative emphasis which-


You will notice that out of ten commandments two of

them deal with sins of the tongue--this one, and the ninth,

concerning false witness. Here it is our tongue in

relationship to God, and in the ninth, it is our tongue in

relationship to man.

The first thing we need to see concerning taking the

name of God in vain is that it is a serious sin. The tendency

is to think that after all, this is a minor matter in a world

plagued by war and crime and immorality. This attitude

reveals the degree of our deception and the superficial

nature of our understanding concerning the cause of mans


People often swear and say they mean nothing by it.

They think that eliminates them from danger, but that is the

very thing that is forbidden. To use Gods name in vain

means to use it in an empty and meaningless way. If you

mean nothing by it, you confess you have used it in vain.

We ought never to use the holy name of God except when we

mean something by it, and something worthy to be identified

with His great name. What is more empty and worthless

than men constantly asking God to damn someone or

something? Does anyone really think that God will follow

through? All they do by this empty use of God's name is

heap to themselves damnation. The person who uses God's

name in vain is saying that God is an empty meaningless


All other sins are by-products of the loss of respect and

reverence for God. Once a man loses the sense of the holy

and the sacred he has broken down the only restraint that

can keep him from following his fallen nature to its logical

conclusion. If a man uses Gods name in vain, and curses

with the holy name of Christ, you can count on it that he will

also lie, steal, cheat, and do any evil he feels necessary to

accomplish his end. Nothing is sacred to a man who does

not even hold the name of God to be sacred.

God forbids in the Second Commandment that any image

be used to represent Him. God makes himself known

through His names, which reveal His power, holiness, and

purpose. To use His name in vain is a sign of contempt for

Him and His plan of salvation. Let us no longer think of

profanity as a mere minor matter, a mere social blunder, an

embarrassment. Profanity is a serious sin that leads to every

other sin by causing the swearer to lose respect for what is

right and holy. The Jews said, "Be careful, remember that

the whole world trembled when God gave the Third

Commandment." The seriousness becomes clearer if we

consider a parallel on the earthly level.

Why does the law of the land prohibit disrespect for the

flag of the United States? Is it not due to the fact that once

you permit the highest symbol of the land and its heritage to

be treated with disrespect, you open the door to every form

of disloyalty? If a man despises and treats lightly the highest

symbol of our country, then there is no end to the extent he

will go in defiance. God's name is the highest symbol of His

Person, and to use it profanely is to be guilty of an evil worse

than wiping your feet on the Stars and Stripes. Yet, we hear

it done daily without shock, offense, or rebuke. A man who

uses the name of God in vain does as much to undermine the

foundation of our freedom as a nation under God as the man

who burns the flag.

Arnold Toynbee, possibly the greatest historian of our

age, wrote, "Of the 22 civilizations that appeared in history,

nineteen of them collapsed when they reached the moral

state the United States is now in." One of the most patriotic

things American Christians can do is to make it known to

those who blindly desecrate the name of God the seriousness

of this thoughtless habit to there own souls and the future of

our land. If ever there was a Biblical truth with serious

political implications, it is this Third Commandment. People

who would never dream of spitting on the flag show the

same contempt toward the name of God. Calling their

attention to the folly of this could save them from being their

own worse enemy.

Profanity is not only a serious sin, it is a senseless sin.

Some sins against the laws of God bring a temporary gain or

satisfaction, but swearing is useless. It is all the more

offensive and damnable just because it is a sin without

temptation. All other sins appeal to some desire and lust

within us, but using God's name in vain is to be a rebel

without a cause. It is pure foolishness.

On record in the U.S. War Department is the following

general order issued by George Washington in New York,

July 1776.

“The General is sorry to be informed that the foolish

and wicked practice of profane cursing and swearing, a vice

heretofore little known in an American army, is growing

into fashion. He hopes the officers will by example as well

as influence, endeavor to check it, and that both they and

the men reflect, that we can have little hope of the blessing

of Heaven on our arms, if we insult it by our impiety and

folly. Added to this, it is a vice so mean and low, without

any temptation, that every man of sense and character

detests and despises it.”

General George Washington

In this order Washington states the two points we are

considering. He says it is both serious and senseless. Robert

Kahn, a Jewish Rabbi, points out the senselessness of

profanity by describing some poor benighted souls he knows

who are so bankrupt in vocabulary that they must describe

everything by the same word. He writes, "If they wish to tell

you how fast a car was going, they say it went as fast as hell,

or if they are trying to describe how slow the car in front of

them is going, they say it was going as slow as hell.

Something as wide as hell, narrow as hell, tall as hell, short

as hell, hot as hell, cold as hell, rich as hell, poor as hell, old

as hell, young as hell. Now tell me, he concluded, isn't that

dumb as anything?" Such thoughtless profanity is

intellectual insanity.

Saying "hell" is not directly taking God's name in vain,

but it does so indirectly as does all such foolish speaking, for

it brings disrepute upon the name of God when spoken by

one professing faith in God. The New Testament says we

will have to give an account for all foolish language, and it

says that by our words we shall be justified and by our

words we shall be condemned.

The negative prohibition is for the sake of the positive

goal of a sanctified life in all areas. The most crucial area is

the area of speech, for if a man can conquer his tongue and

use it for the glory of God, the rest of his nature will also

submit. In James 3:2 we read, "If any man offend not in

word, the same is a perfect man, and able also to bridle the

whole body." Speech, therefore, is the key test of a man's

character. If it is profane, foolish, and offensive to both God

and man, you know his life and relationship to God is also a

mess. This means that the sanctified life is one where the

tongue is a servant of righteousness and a blessing to God

and man. Thus, we see the positive aspect of this command



When we go to the New Testament for the positive, it

does not mean that the Old Testament does not contain the

positive, for it does. It is an obvious conclusion to come to

that if you are not to take God's name in vain; you are to

take it reverently. In Lev. 22:32, we find the negative and

positive clearly stated together. "And you shall not profane

my holy name, but I will be hallowed among the people of

Israel." It is there in the Old Testament, but in a remote

place. Jesus, however, puts it in a conspicuous place for all

to see by making the first petition of the Lord's

Prayer--"Hallowed by Thy name."

The Christian does not fulfill the Third Commandment

by a mere negative refraining from swearing. We must

fulfill the positive goal of hallowing the name of God by

using it in a reverent, holy and fruitful manner. Silence is

not the goal, but purity of speech, which is backed up with

purity of life. The Third Commandment amounts then to a

commandment of sanctification.

The Jews finally came to see the implication of this

commandment for all of life. The Jewish Talmud says, "If

any act, though permitted by law, may provoke the

defamation of Israel and of God, then, in spite of its abstract

legality, it becomes a great sin and crime." Unfortunately

they did not always practice what they knew, and Paul tells

us the name of God was blasphemed among the Gentiles

because of the Jews. They honored God with their lips, but

profaned His name by their lives. Purity of speech is itself

profanity if one's life makes mockery of the words. All the

pious talk in the world is a taking of God's name in vain if

the tongue does not truly express our hearts and our walk.

Leighton, in expounding on the phrase hallowed be Thy

name says, "This is the most effectual sanctifying of His

name by way of declaring it holy, when His people walk in

holiness. Though you tell the world that He is holy, they

know Him not; they can neither see Him nor His holiness,

but when they see that there are men, taken out of the same

lump of polluted nature with themselves, and yet, so renewed

and changed that they hate the defilement of the world, and

do indeed live holy lives in the midst of a perverse

generation; this may convince them that there is a brighter

spring of holiness, where it is in fullness, from which these

drops are that they perceive in men; for seeing that it is not

in nature there must be another principle of it, and that can

be no other than the holy God. Thus is His name hallowed,

and He known to be holy by the holiness of His people."

This means that the Third Commandment, when fully

obeyed, leads to the sanctification of all of life. Our speech is

to be a true expression of a life being lived for the glory of

God's name. It means that we must speak the truth and

avoid all lies, slander, and false witness. Our honestly must

be obvious, and men ought to trust our word without oaths.

As Jesus said, "Let your yea be yea and your nay, nay." Yes

or no ought to be sufficient for one who honors the name of


Oaths are involved here. If you use the name of God to

confirm some statement, or swear it is the truth in Gods

name, and your doing it to deceive, you drag His name down

to the level of evil. Anyway in which we identify the name of

God with what is less than righteous is taking His name in

vain. In the Old Testament if a man let another keep his ox

when he went on a journey, and the ox was stolen or ran

away, when the owner returned the man who kept the ox

could only swear by the name of God than he did not steal it

himself. There are no witnesses and no evidence if he if

lying, and so no judge can find him guilty. But the point is,

God will not hold him guiltless for taking His name in vain,

and using His name to cover evil. You can fool man and

outwit justice, but be sure your sin will find you out. God

will not be outwitted and you will pay for your misdeeds.

The Second Commandment forbids the linking of God to

any fixed image. This Third Commandment forbids that we

link His name with any idea that is unworthy of His nature.

Many who would never dream of reducing God to an idol

will reduce Him to a curse word, which is equally vile. We

double any sin that we do if we link the name of God with it.

If we are prejudiced, that is a sin. If we say we are

prejudiced because God wills it or it is God's plan, thus

seeking to justify our sin by linking with the name of God,

we sin doubly, and double will be our condemnation.

If you take a man's name and put it on a plaque in

Westminister Abbey, or some hall of fame, you bring honor

to that person by what you do with his name. If you write it

on the gutter or in some disgraceful place, you show

contempt for the person who bears the name. If a business

can get the name of their product honored among the

purchasing public they can get rich. If their products name

gets a bad reputation they can go broke. So much depends

upon a name. That is why one Commandment out of ten is

so concerned about the name of God. If Satan can get a

person to show disrespect for the name of God he has

accomplished a major step in his strategy for leading that

person to damnation. On the other hand, if we can bring

men to respect the name of God and honor the name of

Jesus, we are well on the way to leading them into a saving

relationship to Christ.

The Catholic Church once had an organization called The

Holy Name Society. The had five rules that governed them.

They were, 1. To labor as individuals for the glory of God's

name, and to make it known to those who are ignorant of it.

2. Never to pronounce disrespectfully the name of Jesus. 3.

To avoid blasphemy, perjury, profane and indecent

language. 4. To induce neighbors to refrain from all insults

against God, and from profane and unbecoming language.

5. To remonstrate with those who use profane language or

blaspheme in their presence.

Every Christian should be a member of such a society,

whether formally organized or not, for it's goal is a

fulfillment of the Third Commandment. The implications of

this commandment covers the whole of the believers life.

The Jews were led to make this unforgivable sin in Judaism.

A life of disobedience to the Third Commandment was

equivalent to blasphemy of the Holy Spirit. The point is,

profanity is no trivial matter. For the glory of God, for the

salvation of souls, and for the good of our nation, we need to

respond to this call to sanctification and purity of speech and

in all ways honor the name of God.


Actor Eli Wallach figured that his son who was

approaching his teens was sharp enough to grasp some basic

facts of life. So he called him in, and gave him the

time-honored story about the birds and the bees. When he

was all finished the boy said, "You know in a rudimentary

fashion, the process you've described isn't too dissimilar to

human reproduction."

Parents are often naive about the sex knowledge of their

children. They pretend that in a nation where teenage girls

get pregnant by the millions, and where sex promotion oozes

out of every pore of society, and where its rays flood every

realm of life with its omnipresent radiation, that they still

walk in the dark concerning the mechanics of sex. It is time

that we wake up to the fact that we have been living in the

midst of a sex revolution. Pitiram Sorokin, the great

Harvard sociologist, says of this revolution: "It is changes

the lives of men and women more radically than any other

revolution of our time."

This revolution is just as serious as political and economic

revolution, but it goes almost unnoticed because it is so

private. Sorokin writes, "Devoid of noisy public explosion,

its stormy scenes are confined to the privacy of the bedroom

and involves only individuals. Unmarked by dramatic

events on a large scale, it is free from civil war, class struggle,

and blood shed. It has no revolutionary army to fight its

enemies. It does not try to overthrow governments. It has

no great leader; no hero plans it, and no politician directs it.

Without plan or organization it is carried on by millions of

individuals, each acting on his own."

Time does not permit the examination of all the evidence

of the decay of the American culture. But let me give you

one example. During the early period of Greek and Roman

culture the figures of their deities and heroes, and especially

of women, were completely draped from head to foot. In the

decadent stages of their culture these same figures appeared

nude, designed to stimulate the sex drive. The same pattern

was followed in music, the stage, and literature, until sex

dominated the culture, and brought them to ruin. It is the

same old story over and over. Sex is a beautiful servant, but

a beastly master. Yet in spite of all the history of man's folly

and its consequences in relation to sex, the American people

are traveling that same road. It is true, "All men ever learn

from history is that men never learn from history."

The seventh commandment is not just relevant; it is

essential for the very survival for our culture. As important

as it is, however, the church has not given it an adequate

place in its teaching. D. L. Moody said, "I would to God I

could pass over this commandment, but I feel the time has

come to cry aloud and spare not." Most preachers feel like

Moody, but the difference is most do pass over it. I read 36

different preachers, scholars, and professors, on this

commandment. All but a handful beat around the bush and

just preached a gentle sermon on marriage and family life.

To deal with it realistically you must be frank almost to the

point of embarrassment.

There are those who feel you should not preach on the

seventh commandment at all for fear of giving people ideas.

These objectors know the power of sex, and know that a

sermon on adultery could tempt the listeners to the very act

that is condemned. I have read sermons describing David's

affair with Bathsheba, and wondered if the authors purpose

was to stir up jealously in the reader that he was not David,

rather than pity for David that he was a victim of

uncontrolled sex.

The objectors have a point, but it is dulled by the fact

that the Bible itself is not shy on the subject of sex. It is so

frank and specific in parts that it stimulates the same

emotions as a sex novel or seductive film. There is no point

in trying to pretend sex is an incidental and insignificant

part of life. It is a major and powerful force in the life of

every healthy human being. It is the area of the greatest

temptation to sin. R. H. Charles writes, "Other sins, such as

theft, arson, perjury, murder, make no appeal to the normal

healthy mind. You may read countless tales of such crimes

in the daily press and not be tempted in the lease to become

a theft, or incendiary, a perjurer, or a murderer, because in

healthy minds the desire to leading to such crimes are

absent, and the tales of such crimes create only abhorrence.

But it is otherwise in regard to the sins of the flesh. Every

healthy human being is influenced, and rightly influenced,

by the attraction of sex."

This being the case, as we all recognize, we must follow

the advice of McAfee who said, "One must plead for a pure

heart even when there is danger that the very plea will stir

up impure depths." Our primary concern is not to give a

lecture on sex education, but to stress the Biblical attitude

toward sex. The attitude we have and convey to others,

especially to our children, is more important than biological

information. Even the Kinsey report concluded that

imparting all the facts about sex to people does not in itself

determine how they will act in the use of sex. It says that

attitude alone determines patterns of behavior. The parents,

by their attitudes, are the real determiners of the sex

behavior of their youth.

You may never sit down and explain sex to your child,

but you are teaching attitudes all the time, and this is what is

the determining factor. In his book, How To Tell Your

Child About Sex, Clyde M. Naramore, the well known

Christians psychologist writes, "Parents often say to me Dr.

Naramore do you know of a good book about sex education?

Our boy (or girl) is nearly 13 and we want to tell him the

facts of life. Questions like this would be humorous if they

weren't so unfortunate. Evidently these parents do not

realize that they have been giving their children sex

education for years. The very fact that they have not talked

with them tells these children that sex is something to avoid

discussing. And of course, 13 years of age is much too late to

begin. By then, some of the most important and most

impressive years of life have already passed."

The implications of the seventh commandments would get

us into all the realms of sex behavior, but for now we can

only look at the primary purpose of the commandment. The

positive principle underlying this negative forbidding of sex

relations with any other person than your mate is, the

preservation of marriage. Next to a man's life his most

precious possession is his wife. To take either his life or his

wife was punishable by death in the Old Testament. Israel

could not survive, nor can any nation, where there is a lost of

respect for life and marriage. Obedience to this

commandment involves a development of the highest respect

for marriage, and a deep sense of loyalty to one's mate. The

marriage vows of forsaking all others, and keeping yourself

unto him or her alone are not just thrown in to lengthen the

service, they are the most solemn vows two people can make

to each other.

Adultery is so evil, because it is a breaking of a major

promise of life. When you get married you promise not to

have sex with anyone else. You do not promise that you will

never notice another man or woman. You do not promise

you will not lust after another person. You do not even

promise that you will not feel romantically attracted to

another person. All of these things may happen in the

course of life. If they did not, there would be no need for the

promise. The promise that you make in marriage is that you

will keep yourself just for each other so long as you both

shall live. It is a commitment to devote all of your sexual

energy to the loving of your mate. That is a marital right

every partner has a right to expect. However sexual hunger

is provoked, a mate is to release that energy only with their

partner. That is God's plan and it is a beautiful plan.

Why then do so many chose to release their sex energy

outside of marriage. Dr. Leon Saul in his book, Fidelity and

infidelity, after a great deal of research, came to this

conclusion: "....I do not think that a man or woman carries

on an outside affair that pains his spouse and children,

damages them, in some part destroys them, unless there is a

powerful undercurrent of hostility against them, however

conscious or unconscious this may be." In other words, the

same emotion that makes the sixth commandment necessary

is what makes the seventh necessary-hostility. It will make

you kill your neighbor, or kill your marriage. Hostility

toward your mate is what allows people to permit lust to get

out of control. If you are not hostile toward your mate you

will keep lust under control. People full of anger wish to

hurt someone, and they will be strongly tempted to hurt

their mate by infidelity.

On the practical level this means that mates have an

obligation to go all through life enriching their relationship.

They need to learn how to communicate so that hostility is

dealt with, and never permitted to go unresolved. Many

studies reveal that middle age people become unfaithful

because they feel a need to demonstrate that they are still

attractive to the opposite sex. This hunger to be attractive

would not get so out of hand if mates would build each

other's self-esteem, and continue to be sexually romantic. A

dull, boring, routine sex life is a sin, and a violation of the

seventh commandment, because it produces the factors that

lead to its violation. Love is the fulfilling of the law, and

loving mates will so satisfy each other that there will be no

reason to be tempted by adultery. What can Satan do if

everything he has to offer you in sin, you already have

within your marriage?

Paul gives Christians the key to reducing the risk of

immoral sex in I Cor. 7. Paul's advice is for every mate to

make sure that the sex drive of their partner is satisfied on a

regular basis. This may vary greatly, but whenever the

desire is present, it should be satisfied. This may call for

learning a great deal about sex technique. Most all of the

cases I know where a Christian mate becomes unfaithful, the

basic cause is right here. They were not sexually satisfied,

and it could have all been prevented by better understanding

of the need and way to satisfy it. Adultery appeals to a

hunger, and there is little danger if that hunger is already

met in marriage. Paul is saying that if you have rocks in

your bed, you have rocks in your head, for you are giving

Satan a foot in the door to destroy your marriage. Mates

must give a lifetime of thought and action to keep the

romance of sex a vital part of their relationship.

Marriage is similar to conversion in that, in conversion

we make a commitment of our lives to one Lord, and in

marriage we commit our lives to one mate. Sex and

salvation are linked all through the Bible. God had His

bride of Israel, and Christ has His bride, the church. Any

disloyalty and idolatry in these relationships is called

adultery. The marriage bond of two people is the very first

human relationship. Adam was created first, and so the God

man relationship was the first relationship with man. Then

Eve was created, and the first fully human relationship was

that of man and wife. Next to life itself, therefore, marriage

is the most sacred possession we have.

God's first gift to Adam was life, and His second gift was

a wife. It is not, cleanliness is next to godliness, but

marriage is next to godliness. To treat it lightly, or to shatter

it through an act of adultery is to be guilty of the worst of

sins against God, man, and society. Adultery is wrong not

because sex is wrong, but because sex outside of marriage

shows a disrespect for the highest human bond. It

murderers this highest relationship, and the murder of a

marriage is just as serious as the murder of a person. This

does not mean that adultery is the unforgivable sin, for Jesus

had compassion on the woman caught in the very act. He

forgave her while condemning the men who wanted to see

her punished. He knew the hearts of men, and knew that

everyone of them had lust in their hearts. Jesus said that

those without sin should cast the first stone, and they all left,

for everyone of them was guilty.

We cannot have a stern inflexible attitude toward those

guilty of this sin. Christians who are suffering because of a

blunder in this area of life need to recognize that marriage is

the basic value to be preserved, and if it can be, both

partners are obligated to work for a healing of the shattered

bond for all they are worth. I have talked with a number of

people guilty of this sin, and not a one understands why they

were so foolish. Everyone of them regrets it, and would give

anything not to have fallen. Christ forgives, the mate

forgives, but the hardest part of all is to forgive yourself.

The scar remains, and can become a cause for conflict at any

time. Nevertheless, the Christian attitude is to be one of

striving for the preservation of marriage. There will be a

Sahara desert period to go through, but the struggle will pay

off, and with the attitude of high respect for marriage, the

two can arrive again at the oasis of happiness. If the grace

of Christ can heal the broken relationship of God and man,

it can heal the next highest relationship also, that between

husband and wife. One of the most important things you

can do for the glory of God, for the strengthening of the

church and nation, is to obey this seventh commandment for

the preservation of marriage.


The teacher said to the little boy who had stolen an apple

from another boy's lunch pail, "Don't you know that you

broke the eighth commandment?" "Yes," he responded,

"But I figured I might just as well have the apple and break

the eighth commandment as covet it and break the tenth."

The truth that is immediate evident in this incident is that

the human ability to rationalize about sin, and even use the

Scripture to support it, is unusually keen. A mother caught

her little girl in the cookie jar after she had been forbidden

to take any. The mother said as she caught her in the act of

petty thief, "What commandment is being broken here?"

The little girl said, "Suffer little children to come unto me

and forbid them not."

It is this keen ability to rationalize that makes us fearful

of the new morality line on the eighth commandment. We

do not disagree with the principle that the lesser of two evils

is the best choice. If the little boy who stole the apple would

have followed this principle, he would have chosen to be

guilty of coveting rather than stealing. Often we have been

guilty of leading people to sin by teaching that all sins are

equal. A person with this attitude easily yields to temptation.

He figures if he desires to sin, and that is as bad as doing the

sin, then he has nothing to lose by acting out his desire, for

he is already guilty.

It is important that we give our youth protection against

this kind of reasoning. There are degrees and various levels

of offense. Some are punished by death, while others require

only fines or restitution, and still others are resolved through

repentance. A sin such as coveting remains a matter

between you and God, and it can be forgiven by confusing,

but to act on the coveting, and steal, becomes a crime against

man. This calls for a settlement on that level, plus

repentance before God, and it can involve imprisonment as

well as restitution. All sins make you a sinner, but only some

sins make you a criminal. All violations of the Ten

Commandments are not equal. There is such a thing as a

lesser of two evils.

If a man is going to shoot his neighbor, and I know it, and

steal his gun, I turn stealing into a virtue, for I preserve life

in obedience to the sixth commandment, and I prevent an

unjust killing. If a busload of school children is stalled on a

track, and a train is coming, there are many ways in which I

might steal, or be destructive to the property of others in

order to stop the approaching train. It could be as minor as

taking a sheet from a nearby wash line, and running down

the track waving it. I could be as radical as taking

someone's car and stopping it on the track to halt the train

before it hit the bus. In any case, you would be a hero, and

what ever you did would be considered a virtue rather than

a vice.

The problem comes when people pervert this reality. For

example, what of the man who stole from his neighbor

because he loved him? Love is the absolute he argues, and

so he reasons that his neighbor is becoming too materialistic.

So, in true love for him he decides to remove the false

foundation of materialism that he is resting on. He begins to

steal his possessions in the hope that his neighbor will began

to seek a more spiritual foundation for his life. Such is the

power of rationalization.

The logic of the new morality has hit our nation at a time

when it is least needed. Stealing has already been so

minimized as a serious moral offense that it is fast becoming

the All-American sport. Everyone is playing the game. In a

article titled, Stealing Their Way Through College, it is

brought out that the major problem of the National

Association Of College Stores is the problem of shrinkage.

They haven't determined if the motive is love or not, but

students from every kind of college and university are

relieving them of millions of dollars worth of merchandise

without paying for it. I once counseled with a girl in a

Christian college who stole several hundred dollars worth of

clothing and cosmetics in one semester.

In one large Ivy League University the bookstore loses

,000 a year to student heisters. The worse case was that

of a divinity school graduate student caught lifting a Bible.

If he would have gotten by with it, he might have considered

it an answer to prayer. This is just how weak the American

conscious is on the matter of stealing. Youth is on a shop

lifting spree, but the facts indicate they are only following

the example established by adults. It is fantastic the amount

to stealing adults do. In Luther's day he said, "Only a small

portion of thieves are hanged. If all were hanged where

would we get rope enough?" In our day, the statistics

indicate we would also run out of trees on which to hang

people. It is so universal that almost everyone is guilty in

some degree.

S. J. Curtis, a professional security consultant, says there

are more than 150,000 shopliftings a week, costing store

owners billions annually. A report in the Chicago Tribune

Magazine said that 90% of this is done by housewives, and

1/4 of it is done in the Christmas season. Stealing has

become a part of the American way of life to millions of

average citizens. It use to be that when an officer

apprehended a youth in the act of thief, he would burst into

tears. This day is gone, and now the typical response is one

of arrogance and defiance, as if they had a right to engage in

thievery unhindered. So low is the level of respect for the

property of others that even the police have decided to play

what's yours is mine. Police scandals are not uncommon,

and where insurance is involved even the robbed join the


Ralph Smith, in the book The Tarnished Badge, tells of

how policeman who burglarized stores were rewarded by the

owner. One owner, not knowing the investigating officer

was the one who robbed said, "Here, take this radio home to

your wife, it's insured, and I'll simply include it in the thief

list." Even if the policeman had not been the original thief,

both he and owner were thieves in robbing the insurance


Christians get caught up in stealing, and hardly even

know it. They feel free to steal music and literary material

that is copyrighted. Employees steal over three billion a year

from their employers. Fifteen percent of our cost for most

everything is due to the need to regain the losses from

stealing. Seventy percent of inventory loses are by

employees, and only fifteen percent by shoplifting. It is an

inside job. It is so easy and so popular. Studies show that

when the top management people are honest, the employees

are too. But if these top people are not honest, it is

contagious, and will spread to all below them. The rich are

into it too. I read of a highly respected woman who fired her

maid because she was caught stealing her Waldorf-Astoria,

and Conrad Hilton towels. Believe it or not, 500,000 grocery

carts disappear from supermarkets every year.

Time does not permit us to consider the endless ways by

which people steal. The reason very few sermons are

preached on this commandment is that when you get

through examining all of the ways it is violated, practically

everyone is guilty and stands condemned. Robert Kahn, the

Jewish author writes, "Not one of the Ten Commandments

is so frequently broken, bent, skirted, evaded, sidestepped,

or ignored. There are hundreds of ways to steal.... The

dictionary contains dozens and dozens of nouns, adjectives,

and verbs that have to do with dishonest dealing with

property. You can steal by burglary, by larceny, by

embezzlement. You can steal by robbery, by highjacking, by

shoplifting, by picking pockets, by plagiarizing. You can

gyp, lift, loot, nip, pinch, pluck, pilfer, snitch, snatch, and


Really, all of the commandments are dealing with some

form of stealing. If you do not keep the first, you rob God of

His right to first place in your life. If you do not keep the

fourth you rob yourself of God's blessing of rest. If you do

not keep the fifth you rob mom and dad of the honor do

them. If you break the sixth you rob men of life. If you

break the seventh you rob your mate of a happy marriage.

If you break the ninth you rob men of their reputation.

Almost all sin is some form of stealing in which you rob God,

your neighbor, or yourself of some great value. If you think

you are not a thief, it is because you have thought in too

narrow a range about this commandment.

You may not steal your neighbor's property, but you may

still be a thief of his time. If you waste people's time when

they prefer to get on with other obligations, you are stealing

a part of their life. There are people who are committing

murder on the installment plan by stealing a chunk of other

people's lives almost daily. If it is mutually acceptable there

is no problem, but if you take a person's time, and they do

not will to give it, it is stealing. If you do not pay a man for

service performed in a reasonable time, it is robbery. The

Old Testament demanded that a laborer be paid the very

day he worked. To withhold it was considered a serious sin.

History is filled with businesses who have gone bankrupted

because customers did not pay for their service or product.

It is a wide spread form of stealing.

The paradox is, this is the one commandment that has

almost universal acceptance. All peoples condemn stealing

in principle. Even a thief hates to be robbed. Why then is it

so prevalent in practice? Because of ignorance about the

nature of property, which leads to a loss of respect for

property. When there is a loss of respect for life, murder

increases. When there is a loss of respect for marriage

adultery increases. When there is a loss of respect for

property stealing increases. Force is futile, and will never

solve the problem. Men will only cease to steal when they

come to understand, respect, and obey the principle behind

the eighth commandment. That principle is, the

preservation of property, or the right of ownership.

Someone said that stealing is of the devil because

property is of God. It would take hours just to read all of

the passages in the Bible that deal with God's concern for

the rights of all men to own property. The whole economic

system of Israel was set up to make sure no one could get a

monopoly and deprive others of their ownership of land.

Land was distributed to all the tribes according to their

number, so each family got a share. There would always be

those who failed and went into debt to others, but every 50th

year was a year of Jubilee, and all land was to be returned to

its original owners so that no family would ever be

permanently dispossessed. This was an ideal, and was often

violated, but we see what God intended. Every man was to

have property he could call his own, for only then could he

be a good steward of what God had given him. Any society

that deprives people of their right to own property denies

them of the God given right to be God's stewards.

In the New Testament we find that the followers of Jesus

were often property owners. Mary and Martha and Lazarus

had a lovely home where Jesus enjoyed staying. Mary

sacrificed an expensive jar of perfume to anoint Jesus. It

was her own to do with as she chose. The early churches

began in the homes of the more wealthy disciples. Without

the property holders in the early church there would have

been great handicaps, but they were there, and gave their

possessions to build the church. The success of the church

has always depended upon the right of Christians to own

property, and to devote that property for the extension of

God's kingdom on earth.

In the 14th century the Catholic Church tended to feel

that non-believers had no right to private property. One

author wrote, "He who is not subject to God, justly loses and

unjustly possesses all that he has from God." This lead to

the church taking the property of unbelievers. The same

thing happened in the Spanish Inquisition. The church

became wealthy by theft. Since the church controlled the

government, it was legal theft. The official Catholic position,

however, is that private ownership is a universal right. Saint

Thomas Aquinus, their master theologian, said, "Unbelief in

itself is not incompatible with the right to own and to

rule...." Pope Leo the 13th in 1891 said, "Every man has the

right by nature to possess property as his own."

This has always been the Protestant position, assuming

that the property was gained in an acceptable manner. No

man has the right to retain what he has gained by theft.

Legitimate ownership is to be respected by all men however.

This principle was so basic to a sound society that God

demanded of the Jews that they even respect the property of

their enemy. In Ex. 23:4-5 we read, "If you meet your

enemies ox or ass going astray, you shall bring it back to

him. If you see the ass of one who hates you lying under its

burden, you shall refrain from leaving him with it, you shall

help him to lift it up." Respect for property was so

important that God judged all of Israel, and condemned to

death a whole family, because Achan stole from an enemy on

the battlefield. The preservation of property is important to

God because it is important for the good of man.

In the Old Testament every farmer had an obligation to

leave the corners of his field unharvested. This was his

contribution to the welfare system for the poor of his day.

The Christian steward is to acknowledge God as the rightful

owner of all his possessions, and seek to use them in a way

that pleases God. If the right to own is not God given, but a

man made right, then man can also deprive men of this

right. This is the philosophy of Communism. Stealing is

wrong because ownership is right, and ownership is right

because God has ordained it. Obedience to the eighth

commandment, like all of the rest, is essential to the good

life, and the good society. The most patriotic thing

Christians can do is to live by the principles of the Ten


As Christians, we know we are not saved by the Ten

Commandments, but by personal trust in Jesus Christ as our

Savior. Yet we dare not overlook the fact that a corporate

salvation, in terms of being saved from the loss of our

national blessings and freedoms, depends upon the moral

character of the people. Had there been ten righteous men

in Sodom, it would have escaped the wrath of God. Let us

never underestimate the importance of any man's obedience

to the Ten Commandments. Everyone counts, and so let us

pray that we will be the salt of the earth, and avoid the many

ways of stealing. Bernard Shaw said, "A gentlemen is one

who puts more into life than he takes out of it. Otherwise he

is a thief." May God help us to be as concerned as God is

for the preservation of property.


An unusual trial took place in London in 1670. The

defendant was none other than the founder of Pennsylvania,

William Penn. He was the leader of the Society Of Friends,

known as the Quakers, and he was charged with inciting a

riotous, seditious assembly. Parliament had made the

Quakers an object of persecution, and the judges were in

accord with the conspiracy against this religious minority.

The jury was ordered to agree on a verdict of guilty before

the trial began. Fortunately, the jury had a mind of its own,

and returned the judgment, guilty of speaking aloud on

Grace Church Street. For this, of course, there was no


The judge was outraged, and refused to accept the

verdict. He sent them back to reconsider. When they

returned again with the same verdict in writing, the judge

lowered the boom on them and said, "You will not be

dismissed until we have a verdict acceptable to the Court,

and you shall be locked up without meat, drink, fire and

tobacco, and no one may communicate with you. We will

have the verdict, or you shall starve." The jurors in

defiance, after several days of imprisonment, reversed their

decision to not guilty. The judge became increasingly brutal,

but could not break them. The Court finally dismissed the

jury after fining them forty marks per man, and

imprisonment until paid. William Penn was jailed on a

contrived contempt of court charge, and returned to the

Newgate Prison.

This historical incident demonstrates that loyalty to the

truth does not always lead to immediate justice.

Nevertheless, it is the only hope of ever having justice at all.

Those who refuse to bare false witness in obedience to God,

rather than lie in obedience to the state were actually the

greatest friends of the state, for when all such people are

gone, the state has no future, but that of enduring the wrath

of God.

The courts require witnesses to swear to tell the truth.

They make it a crime not to tell the truth. So the truth is

absolutely essential to any system of justice. Every nation

has recognized this, and that is why perjury is universally

condemned and severely punished. God knew Israel could

not be a united people, and a representative of the God of

justice, if truth was not honored among them. Therefore, we

have the ninth commandment, which makes the preservation

of truth one of the basic principles necessary for a good

society. The whole legal, social, and moral fabric of society

will unravel in utter chaos without the thread of truth

running through it.

This is another reason why Americans have good reason

to fear for the future of our nation. The credibility gap is a

big topic in our day. It means that there is so much lying

going on that we don't even know for sure if the credibility

gap is a fact or a lie. Spurgeon said, "If all men's sins were

divided into two bundles, half of them would be sins of the

tongue." Just listen to a partial list of the sins of the tongue.

Lying, calumny, slander, misrepresentation,

contumely, insult, scurrility, railing, detraction,

whispering, backbiting, false witness, deprecation,

vilification, insinuation, abuse, tattle, insolence,

sneering, taunting, jives, jeers, defamation, libel,

satire, sarcasm, lampoon, censoriousness, slashing

criticism, surmising, attributing motives, and last

but not lease, gossip.

That is an impressive array of weapons which the tongue

has to use in the battle for evil. These weapons are not just

used by politicians, but by everybody. Paul writes to the

Christians at Corinth in II Cor. 12:20, "I fear that perhaps I

may come and find you not what I wish.....That perhaps

there may be quarreling, jealousy, anger, selfishness,

slander, gossip, conceit, and disorder." The church has

never been without its storehouse of sins of the tongue.

Therefore, the study of the ninth commandment is directed

at ourselves, and not just those of the world. Let's consider


1. PERJURY. This is a voluntary violation of an oath. The

subtlety with which men can bare false witness is amazing.

A case reported in a popular magazine revealed how even

the truth can be used for bearing false witness. The case

dealt with a will that was being contended based on the

deceased not being right in the head. Testimony was given

that he put his head between the curtains dividing the living

and dining room and cried, "Baaa, I'm a billy goat." This

way true, but as further probing brought out, it was while

playing with his grandchildren. True statements designed to

mislead are just as much lies as outright falsehoods.

No system of law will lead to justice when perjury is a

common practice, and this seems to be the case in our land

today. Mr. Samuel Untermyer says, "Perjury has become so

general as to taint and well-nigh paralyzed the

administration of justice." A judge of the supreme court of

New York declared, "We have reached the point where we

merely try to find out which side is lying most." Law and

justice cannot operate without morality. As the church has

less and less influence in America, the standard of morality

falls lower and lower, and the result will be that the values

that made us great will eventually be completely eroded. If

the practice of false witness was limited to the courts it

would be bad enough, for God hates injustice. But it is not

confined to the courtroom. It evades all of life so that people

in general feel no guilt at all in practicing-

2. MISREPRESENTATION. There are numerous ways to

bear false witness through misrepresentation, and

advertising agencies are experts on most of them. It is a

science, this technique of deceiving people into thinking they

are getting a bit of paradise with every box of soap or every

brand of beer. This aspect of false witness we could go on

blasting for the rest of the hour, but that would be a waste of

time. Let's look at the way you and I play lightly with the


Almost all of us like to speak with authority, and so we

tend to give the impression that our opinion is supported by

a world wide pole. We throw out judgments and evaluations

of people, groups, and ideas, without a shred of first hand

evidence, or personal research. We appeal to that world

famous authority on all matters-They.

Ella Wheeler Wilcox wrote,

Have you ever heard of the terrible family They,

And the dreadful venomous things They say?

Why, half of the gossip under the sun,

If you trace it back, you will find begun

In that wretched House of They.

When we as Christians speak with no more authority

than an appeal to They, we are salt without flavor, and do

nothing to strengthen the grip of truth in our society.

Henry A. Luce, editor-in-chief of Time, Life, and Fortune,

said, "The most dangerous fault in American life today is the

lack of interest in truth." There are very few people who

prefer truth to their prejudices, and other self-centered

values of life. My perspective is all that counts. Life is

competitive, and so I must advance at the expense of others.

To misconstrue, misquote, or quote out of context, or

exaggerate, or anything whereby I cause another to lose

favor, is legitimate in the task of winning favor for myself.

This is the attitude of people in general, and Christians do

not stand out as impressively unique and different.

Christians have been far more influenced by materialism

than they are aware of. Biblical morality puts persons on the

highest level of values. All of these last commandments are

concerned with protecting the rights of persons. Jesus

summed them up in the statement of loving our neighbor as

ourselves. The commandments we have been looking at deal

with the tangible man: His family, his wife, his life, and his

property. It is easy to observe if you have killed him or

stolen his car. But now, with this commandment, we have

entered into the realm of his personality. If you hit him with

a car or piece of steel, the scar will show, but if you speak lies

against him, there is tangible or visible injury, it is a matter

of the spirit. You have attacked the inner man when you

break this commandment. Honor, reputation, and dignity

are invisible, but very real values that you can steal from

him by mere words. Shakespeare wrote,

Who steals my purse steals trash;

Tis something, nothing--

But he that filches from me my good name

Robs me of that which not enriches him,

And makes me poor indeed.

The danger of libel lurks everywhere for new reporters.

If someone is arrested and they write an article which says

Murderer Captured, or Forger Arrested, and that man is not

found guilty of the crime, he can sue the reporter for libel,

for he bore false witness against him by calling him a

murderer or forger, when there was no such thing proven.

The courts have said a man reputation is to be protected,

and the only way you can escape libel is to prove what you

have said is true. If you speak the truth, however unpleasant

it may be, you cannot be sued for libel.

Materialism focuses on the value of matter. It's stress is

on accuracy in dealing with things. We must, of course be

precise in a scientific world, for inaccuracy can cause a great

calamity. We would not tolerate a scale or ruler that bore

false witness to weight or length. Yet, when it comes to

persons we feel no such urgency to be totally accurate. We

can speak about persons carelessly, haphazardly with

unfounded implications and sloppy thinking in general. Our

words often reveal our true value system. If we care more

about being accurate when we speak of atoms than of

people, we are materialists at heart, and Christians morality

is only a veneer.

There is nothing sacred about protons, neutrons, velocity,

and mass, yet men will stop at no sacrifice of time and effort

to be accurate in their description of them. Yet, they will

speak lies and bear false witness against another person who

is of infinite value, and made in the image of God. Men

would not think of putting an inaccurate label on a chemical

in a lab, but they think nothing of putting a slanderous label

on a person whom they don't even know, just because it suits

their prejudice to do so.

May God help us to avoid both the practice, and the

being a victim, of this kind of false witness. It undermines

the whole concept of the value of persons and truth. We can

be a party to the evil of false witness by giving ear to slander

and then passing it on. It is unfair to draw conclusions

about people from second hand sources, for the party

through whom you receive the information may be a false

witness against the person in question. It is even immoral to

draw conclusions from first hand information that the

person himself would not consent to. We dare not draw

conclusions from labels, unless the person using them defines

what he means.

People do not always follow out their beliefs to their

logical conclusion. Therefore, it is false witness to hold them

accountable for all that their views could lead to. A person

may believe that it is okay to persecute heretics, but this does

not prove he would do it. It works the other way too. A

man can believe it is essential to control his temper, and yet

be a hot head himself. Conviction and conduct do not

necessary coincide, and it is wrong for us to assume they do,

and declare it to be so in anyone's case where we do not

know this to be a fact. R. H. Charles says it is even false

witness to state a fact about another's conduct or conviction

if the basis for it is an exceptional situation. He writes, "We

should not strain a man's words to his disadvantage, nor

draw conclusions from any unfortunate expression that may

have fallen from his lips in some passing heat or some

unguarded moment."

We cannot begin to consider the many other ways we

must avoid false witness, but we can see it calls for constant

evaluation of our values, and constant vigilance over our

tendency to follow the values of the secular society. The new

morality says that it is not always wrong to lie, deceive and

give false impressions. There is some Biblical basis for this

perspective, but it is the exception and not the rule.

Solomon acted like he was going to divide the baby, and by

doing so, he forced each of the two women to show their

true colors, and thereby, discover the true mother. Could

the woman who was lying about the baby accuse Solomon of

immoral deception? Not hardly. Rahab told a lie to protect

the spies of Israel, and she was not condemned for her

deception. From these situations the idea has developed that

when a person has no moral right to the truth, it is legitimate

to lie to them and deceive them.

Law enforcement justifies deception of criminals on this

basis, that being criminals, they have no moral right to the

truth. The problem is, it contradicts the right to be

considered innocent until proven guilty. Who determines

when someone has no moral right to the truth? There is no

doubt that sometimes withholding the truth is beneficial for

the cause of good, but it is risky to make this judgment in

very many situations. The early Christians could have saved

their lives by denying Christ. It could have been a mere lie

and act of deception to put incense on an altar. These acts

could have been done to deceive the pagans who were

persecuting them. The chose, however, to die rather than to

lie to those who had no moral right to the truth. They chose

to suffer the consequences of truth rather than gain the

cheap victory of falsehood. Eldon Trueblood wrote, "The

only possible excuse for falsification of any kind is that of

loyalty to persons, in that they might be harmed if the

falsification did not occur."

Technically the ninth commandment is not dealing with

lying in general, but with the specific type of lie called false

witness. This lead to the death penalty in the Old

Testament. So all can agree that false witness is an absolute

wrong, but the issue of whether it is ever right to lie is open

to debate. The example is frequently cited of

the angry criminal or madman who is demanding some

information, and if he gets the wrong answer he is going to

kill someone. In that situation it seems only right that he

should be lied to, for the preservation of life. In the case of

war no one has an obligation to tell the enemy the truth

about secrets of his side of the conflict. If a thief asks where

your valuables are, are you obligated to tell him, or would a

lie be permissible? What right does one who is breaking a

commandment have to your cooperation in doing so? By

your obedience to one you aid him in breaking another. We

can see the question, is a lie ever justifiable, is a complex

issue, and every Christian has to be convinced in his own

mind about what is right.

There may be cases where a lie is the lesser of two evils,

but to stress this among a people who are not loyal to the

principle of the preservation of truth is to play right into the

hands of the relativist and rationalists. They will pervert it

for the service of evil. Long before the new morality men

have considered the idea of the necessary lie. That is, a lie

that is necessary to avoid violating a major, or earlier, moral

obligation. It is a lie that may be necessary for the

preservation of life. Those who held this view were aware of

its dangers and abuses. The fact is, it is rare, and to

rationalize that it is a tool that can be used often makes one

a dangerous person. Let us pray with the poet:

O let me never speak

What bounds of truth exceedeth;

Grant that no idle word

From out my mouth proceedeth;

And grant, when in my place

I must and ought to speak,

My words do power and grace,

Nor let me wound the weak.

If this is not our prayer, it had better be our practice, for

by our words we shall be justified, and by words we shall be

condemned. I have no doubt that one of the greatest causes

for Christians to suffer judgment will be the violation of this

commandment. I read widely and I know it is a major

Christian weakness to bear false witness, and try to make

other Christians look bad. My own feelings are expressed by

that old saint Dr. A. B. Simpson who said, "Rather would I

play with the fork lightening or take in my hand a living

wire, with it fiery current, then speak a reckless work against

any servant of Christ, or idly repeat the slanderous darts

which thousands of Christians are hurling on others, to the

hurt of their own souls and bodies."

Most Christians go their whole life and do not break some

of the commandments, but it is not likely that anyone even

gets through childhood without breaking this one. We talk

so much about other people. We are all mini versions of the

National Enquirer. It makes us look better when we put

others down. It makes us feel better to know bad things to

say about others, especially when we are jealous or envious

of them. The paradox is, though it is the most frequently

broken commandment, it is seldom to never confessed.

Tampering with the truth is so much a part of life that we no

longer even feel guilty about it. One little guy asked his

mom, "Do people who tell lies go to heaven?" She said,

"Certainly not." "Gosh," said the child, "It must be awful

lonesome up there with only God and George Washington,"

A student was asked to define a lie and he said, "A lie is an

abomination unto the Lord, but a very present help in time

of trouble."

It is important that we recognize this is a popular sin, and

that all of us are guilty in one way or another. It is

important that we recognize we are masters at rationalizing

when we defend our breaking of this commandment. If we

are aware of these things we will be more likely to feel some

guilt, and be more in conformity to God's purpose for this

commandment, which is the preservation of truth.


A French taxi cab driver once played a joke on Sir

Arthur Conon Doyle, the creator of Sherlock Holmes. He

had driven Sr. Arthur from a station to a hotel, and when he

received his fare he said, "Merci, Mr. Conon Doyle." "Why,

how do you know my name?" asked Sr. Author. "Well sir,"

he replied, "I have seen in the papers that you were coming

from the South of France to Paris; your general appearance

told me that you were English; your hair had been clearly

last cut by a barber of the South of France. I put these

indications together and guessed at once that it was you."

Sir Author was astounded and said, "So little evidence to go

on. This is very remarkable." "Well," said the driver,

"There was also the fact that your name was on your


This clue, though mentioned last, was far from the least.

Often this is the case, and we have a saying to express it, "

last but not least." Sometimes we save the best for the last.

However, we also tend to associate the last with the least.

We attach degrees of merit and value to position. The

bottom man on the totem pole is a phase we use to describe a

negative position. When a list of names is made up, it is

necessary to put them in alphabetical order or someone will

be offended by being further down the list, or most

humiliating of all, they could be last on the list. Last is

associated with least so often, this could be interpreted as a

slam at your personal worth.

This is subjective nonsense, of course, but it is a fact, and

therefore, it is good for us to see the last from another

perspective. We ought not to have a stereotyped negative

attitude about last things on a list. This false attitude has

affected peoples interest and concern about the last

commandment. It is the commandment least preached on.

After indexing hundreds of volumes of sermons I have not

found a single sermon on this text. I must confess that I also

felt a tendency to by pass it. If it was the fourth or fifth I am

sure this feeling would not arise, but being tenth and last, it

gets associated with the concept of the least important. It

takes a conscious effort to overcome this false perspective,

and discover that the last is not the least. This caboose on

the train of duty is of primary importance, and is essential if

we hope to live the righteous life.

Paul in the great love chapter writes, "Now abideth faith,

hope, love these three, but the greatest of these is love."

Love is last, but it is not least. It is, instead, the greatest.

The last days of Jesus are the days of greatest value, and

they fill the bulk of the Gospel records. More sermons are

preached on His last words than on all the others. It is the

last, the end, the conclusion, the climax, that gives meaning

to all that has gone before. The last is not least in God's

listings of values.

So it is with the last of the ten commandments. It is not

least, but goes deeper than the rest. It gets to the heart of

the matter of sin by getting to the heart of men of sin. This

commandment takes us behind the scenes to the very origin

of sin. If we heed this one we can nip sin in the bud before it

bears any of its bitter fruit. This is the commandment of

prevention. Moody called this the root extraction. It gets at

the root of sin which is covetousness. Paul said that the love

of money is the root of all evil. It is not money that is evil,

but the love of it. The covetousness that turns one to an

idolater. If a man does not stop sin at its root, he will be led

to violate all of the other commandments. A Jewish

commentary says, "He who violates the last commandment,

violates all of them."

If covetousness is not brought under control it will lead to

idolatry, for desire becomes the highest value in your life,

and thus, your God. If you fail in number ten, all of the

others will break like ice sickles cut loose from their base.

Paul calls the covetousness man an idolater in Eph. 5:5, and

in Col. 3:5 he writes, "Evil desire and greed, which amounts

to idolatry." Naboth's garden was coveted by Ahab. He so

desired it that he murdered to get it. Coveting will lead to

stealing, lying, or murder, for there is no other way to get

what doesn't belong to you except by one sin or another.

There is no non-sinful way to satisfy a desire for someone

else's wife or property. If sin is conquered at the point of

coveting, it prevents all of the other sins. That is why this

last is not least, for it is at this stage that one can gain the

victory over all the temptations of Satan. Let the devil get

his foot in at this point, and he will soon have you under his

foot. We keep our foot on his neck when we are fully aware

that our desires are the main battle field.

The Hebrew word for covet does not just mean to admire

or to wish to have. It means, says Andrew Greely, "To lay

plans to take." It is not wrong to admire a neighbor's wife

or possessions, or even wish you had equally desirable

things, but it is forbidden to lay plans to possess what

belongs to others. Once this sin of coveting gets a hold on a

culture, it is doomed. Israel came to this point, and had to

suffer the wrath of God. In Jer. 6:13 the Lord says, "For

from the least to the greatest of them, everyone is greedy for

unjust gain, and from prophet to priest, everyone deals

falsely." Covetousness became their god, and God rejected

them in judgment. Billy Graham said, "The great sin of

America is greed and avarice." These are synonyms for

covetousness. If this be so, we stand at a place of high risk.

Temptation and desire are two different things. I may be

tempted to take something not my own, but not want to do

it. I chose not to yield to temptation. Temptation is the step

that precedes coveting. Temptation is no sin at all, but if I

yield to it and begin to covet, then I am in the realm of sin,

but still in territory where victory can be gained without

loss. I have let Satan get his foot into the door, but have not

yet opened the door. Temptation is the knock at the door,

and coveting is letting him get his foot in. When you invite

him all the way in, that is when you fall into sin. So you can

see how important it is to begin the battle before you get to

the stage of coveting.

This commandment reaches where the long arm of the

law can never reach. Man can never make laws concerning

his internal nature. He is limited to suppressing and

punishing external conduct. God alone can forbid coveting,

for God alone can see the heart, and He alone can change it.

This last commandment is really the bridge that spans the

gap between the Old Testament emphasis on external

conduct, and the New Testament emphasis on internal

motives. The more we consider the implications of this last

commandment, the more we will recognize that it is last but

not least.

Pliny the Elder, centuries ago, said, "From the end spring

new beginnings." So it is with the end of the

commandments. Their principles thrust us into a whole new

world of beginnings, and endless adventures in the war

against sin, and the crusade for Christ likeness. One of the

adventures is to explore the reality of the positive side

of this vice which can also be a virtue.

I. THE VIRTUE OF COVETING. This is actually essential

to a full Christian life. Not recognizing this could lead to the

Buddhist view that all desire is evil, and the good life,

therefore, is to eliminate desire. The Christian view is that

desires are of God, and when they are fulfilled in accordance

with His will, they comprise the basic joys of life. Paul in I

Cor. 12:31 urges believers to covet earnestly the best gifts.

Jesus urged us to hunger and thirst after righteousness. We

are to have strong desires for all the good gifts of God. We

say sometimes, "I covet your prayers." We mean by this, we

earnestly desire the value of your intercession.

We are to covet our time and use it wisely for eternal

values, and not waste it. Joseph Addison wrote, "Nothing

lies on our hands with such uneasiness as time. Wretched

and thoughtless creatures! In the only place where

covetousness were a virtue we turn prodigals." He was

right, but he overstates his case, for there are other areas

where coveting is a virtue. In fact, it is right to covet

everything that can be legitimately obtained and liberally

used for the good of man and the glory of God.

It is the coveting instinct that makes man rise above the

animal in his progress. Henry George in Progress And

Poverty writes of man, "...he is the only animal whose

desires increase as they are fed; the only animal that is never

satisfied. The wants of every other living thing are

uniformed and fixed. The ox of today aspires to no more

than did the ox when man first yoked him. The sea gull of

the English Channel, who poises himself above the swift

steamer, wants no better food or lodging than the gulls than

circle around as the keels of Caesar's galleys first grated on a

British beach. Of all that nature offers them, be it ever so

abundant, all living things save man can take, and care for,

only enough to supply wants which are definite and fixed."

Man is made to climb higher and higher, and he could not

and would not do so without the desire to acquire the more

that God would have him reach for. All the vast resources of

God's creation would go unexplored, and we would live on

one dead level materially and spiritually without desire, or

the virtue of coveting. It is a sin not to covet the higher

things that God has for us. But we need to look further at

the negative side.

II. THE VICE OF COVETING. The evil is not in the

desire, but in the way the desire is satisfied, or in the desire

being focused on an object one can never justly possess. If I

see a picture on your wall, and like it, and desire one for my

wall, and go and purchase one, that is not a sin. But if I

desire to possess your picture, then I am guilty of the sin that

is forbidden. This desire leads to theft, or even other sins

such as lying or envy. When the desire to possess is also the

desire to dispossess another, it is the vice this commandment

forbids. Even if you don't act on a forbidden desire, it is an

inner sin, and to be aware of this, and to fight the battle on

this level, would enable us to avoid all of the sins that violate

the law of loving our neighbor as ourselves.

David could have avoided all of the sins of adultery, lying,

murder, and all the heart aches these brought, if he had

obeyed this commandment, and nipped sin in the bud when

it was just inner desire. Edward VIII of Great Britain

abdicated his throne for a woman he coveted. Archbishop

Temple said, "The occasion for Edward's choice ought never

to have arisen. It has happened to many a man before now

to find himself falling in love with another man's wife. That

is the moment of critical decision, and the right decision is

that they should cease to meet before passion is so developed

as to create an agonizing conflict between love and duty."

As soon as you desire anything that is not able to become

yours by legitimate labor or purchase, recognize you are on

dangerous ground, and move. This vice of coveting is really

only a good thing gone after the wrong object. Or it can also

be a good thing gone to an extreme. For example, it is good

to desire to eat; it is a sign of health, but it is a sin to be a

glutton. Here is a good gift of God which by excess has

crossed the line dividing virtue and vice. This is true in

many ways. It is good to rest, but a sin to be lazy. It is good

to be calm, but a sin to be indifferent. It is good to be

courageous, but a sin to be careless. So also, it is good to

desire many things,

but a sin when those things belong to others.

We cannot begin to cover all of the evil this world suffers

because of covetousness. Most all wars can be attributed to

this sin. James says this is the cause of war, and some, like

the Fredrick the Great, were even honest enough to admit it.

When he was going to declare war he asked his secretary to

write the proclamation. The secretary began, "Whereas in

the providence of God...." "Stop that lying," Fredrick

thundered. "Simply say Fredrick wants more land."

Seldom is it admitted like this, but this is the origin of war.

If men are convinced that this life is all there is, and that

materialism is all they can hope for, they have nothing to

lose by fighting a war to get all they can. Materialism is a

philosophy and covetousness is the driving motive to fulfill

that philosophy of getting all you can regardless of who it

hurts. This sin is the greatest vice, for it leads to all other

sins. Finally lets consider-


gain the victory. The rich young ruler obeyed all the

commandments, but he could not escape the clutches of

covetousness, and so he was still a slave bound by the chains

of sin. A man can go far under the law, but he can never get

passed this last hurdle. It is a catchall that condemns all

men as hopeless sinners. All law can do is punish sin, it

cannot prevent sin. The law can do as the ancients did with

a man whose covetousness led to strife and war. They

poured molten gold down his throat. This got rid of the

patient, but it did not cure the disease. If the fountain is

polluted, it is the fountain that must be cleaned, and,

therefore, this last commandment thrusts us right into the

New Testament plan of God.

Sin originates in the heart where the law cannot touch.

Therefore, man needs a new heart. Oehler, the theologian

wrote, "The fulfillment of the law is only complete when the

heart is sanctified." We know that only the blood of Christ

can cleanse the heart and dissolve the clot of covetousness

that threatens to destroy us all. The love of Christ does not

suppress desire, but lifts our desires to a higher level so that

we can set our affections on things above. We may at times

still lust for the lowly, but we counteract that by coveting

God's best-the fruit and gifts of the Spirit. This last

commandment shows us where the real sin problem lies, and

compels us to submit to the only known cure which is faith

in Christ. Thus, it leads the famished soul from the husks of

the law to the feast and abundance of the Gospel. As

number ten, it comes at the end, but though it is last, it is not


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